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Tulsa’s only PreK-Grade 12 independent Episcopal school.

The Spirit of Holland Hall.

Holland Hall deeply values its role as an Episcopal School. We believe that values lie at the heart of education. But solid values are not simple values. We teach freedom and responsibility, belief and open-mindedness, social conscience and individual integrity. Our Episcopal affiliation reflects our belief that individual character unfolds in two important ways: by respecting tradition and thinking for oneself.

Each student at Holland Hall will feel that their own religious beliefs are valued by those around them, while learning to appreciate the religious tenets and customs of others, and grappling with the ethical and moral questions that must be faced by the leaders of tomorrow’s world. These are our goals, and the Episcopal Church supports us in our partnership, as we seek to fully educate and nurture the young hearts and minds entrusted to us.

Excerpted from an article by the Rev. Bert Bibens.

All Saints Chapel

Holland Hall’s All Saints Chapel is open for private prayer or reflection to our entire community during school hours. Every Thursday morning at 7:15 a.m. there is an open Eucharist service. Here, students from all branches, parents, faculty, and administrators are invited to participate in this Episcopal service that utilizes the Book of Common Prayer. Our Upper School Chaplain Art Scrutchins is officed in the Chapel building to provide counsel as needed.

Holland Hall Chapel
Religious Studies
Chapel Services
Episcopal Ties
The Episcopal Diocese of OK
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