Dutch Weekly April 1-7

Upper School senior portfolio gallery exhibit opens
Where: Holliman Gallery of the Walter Arts Center
When: April 3-28
Holland Hall senior visual art students will present their works in the Holliman Gallery. The gallery is open to our community each week day from 8:15 a.m. until 4:15 p.m.
An Artist Reception will be held on Wednesday, April 26 from 5-7 p.m. The Upper School & Middle School Dance concert will follow the reception in the Branch Theatre.
Upper School Chamber Strings and Jazz Band concert set
Where: Newman (blackbox) Theatre - Walter Arts Center
When: Wednesday, April 5 at 7 p.m.
Single tickets to Dutch Divine are available now!

Single tickets are now available for Dutch Divine 2023! The Holland Hall Alumni Association invites all Holland Hall parents to Dutch Divine, an evening of fine wine, food and dancing — all to benefit the Charlie Brown Endowment for Financial Aid. The evening features a five-course meal prepared by Justin Thompson '98 and Myles McClanahan '98, at Spain Ranch. Seating is limited, so make sure to get your tables or tickets now. Tickets available here by scrolling to the bottom of the form.
Don't forget to download photos

Campus photos captured by school photographer Chris McConnell are available to download free on SmugMug. Find the Holland Hall site at https://hollandhall.smugmug.com
Holland Hall families get special rate for ballet
Join Tulsa Ballet for Jack and Beanstalk on April 21-22.
Loghan Merrick declares Free Dress Day for PS
On Wednesday, March 29, acting Head of Primary School Loghan Merrick declared Thursday, April 6 a Primary School Free Dress day! Thank you, Loghan! Does your child want to be Head of Primary School for a Day? Be watching for this auction item in the Gezellig online school auction starting April 10.
Well-known children's author visits HH
Chris Barton will be our Susan T. Lawson visiting illustrator/author (VIA) at the Holland Hall Primary School. He will present to our students on April 14.
He is the author of books such as Shark vs. Train, Whoosh!, How to Make a Book (About My Dog) and many other award-winning books.
To learn more about Chris Barton visit his website.
Book order forms went home this week. Books can also be purchased through our Primary School Library website. To purchase from our website visit the PS Library website and click on the Visiting Illustrator Author banner. There you will find a book description page, a printable order form and autograph form. Below that you will find the online book order form.
The VIA Program allows our Primary School to annually bring a national author to our school. The program was named in honor of the former longtime Holland Hall primary school librarian Sue Lawson. Book sales help to support this program. We are excited for Chris Barton to be our VIA author this year.
Primary School Parent Association Meeting set
Please join us for our final Primary School Parent Association Meeting of this school year! We will meet on Wednesday, April 12, at 9:30 a.m. in the Primary School library.
Head of School JP Culley and Head of Upper School David Parks will be joining us to discuss "The Value of a Holland Hall Education Through the Years." Hope to see you there!
Make plans to explore the Middle School
Third-grade parents, it is almost time to start thinking about Middle School! We are so eager to meet you and your children, and we hope that you are excited for this next phase.
All third grade students will visit the Middle School on Monday, May 1. More details will be coming from their teachers. That evening, we invite you to a parent open house in the Middle School. You will have a chance to meet the teachers, see the classrooms, and meet the support staff. We look forward to seeing you there and will be sending more details very soon.
Visit the PS to see your children's art
Please come inside briefly at drop-off or pick-up to view your child's artwork in the Primary School-Library hallway. If you are unable to walk through, do not worry as all of their awesome artwork will go home after the show.
3rd Grade: Monday, April 10-14
2nd Grade: Monday, April 17-21
1st Grade: Monday, April 24-28
After-school enrichment classes offered
Ms. Ariel's Art Studio
Let your young artists expand their creativity as we venture into a spring-themed March with cherry blossoms, adorable bunny rabbits and fuzzy, yellow chicks, to include a festive session decorating Easter eggs! Picturesque, fields of tulips that laden the landscapes! April showers that bring May flowers! Come and join Ms. Ariel for a delightful art enrichment adventure.
When: April 3 - April 24, Monday - 3:15-4:15 p.m.
Grades: K-3rd
Where: PS - Multi-purpose
Pick-up: Primary School flagpole at 4:15 p.m.
Cost: $80
Register: dalmohandis@hollandhall.org
Class size: 20
Ready, Set, ACT! Theatre Enrichment Class with Upper School Theatre Arts director Leslie Long
Let your child explore the first steps to understanding what acting is all about! In this fun and supportive class, children use theater games, storytelling and role-playing to stretch their imaginations and discover the endless creativity and confidence in themselves.
Who: Grades 1-4
When: Tuesdays, April 4 - May 2 - 3:15-4:15 p.m.
Where: Primary School multi-purpose room
Pick-up: Primary School flagpole at 4:15 p.m.
Register: dalmohandis@hollandhall.org
Class fee: $105 (5 weeks)
Maximum class size: 20
Dance Dayz Enrichment Class ~ Session 2
Come and learn the basics of ballet and contemporary dance movement with Ms. Allison. This class will cover a basic ballet class with stretching, barre work, center floor exercises, as well as opportunities to explore the process of learning to create choreography. Other activities and styles of dance will be included. Even if this is your first time, leap into class with us! In-house Spring Showcase: April 28
Who: Grades K - 3rd
When: Friday, April 7 - April 28 3:15-4:30 p.m.
Where: Walter Arts Dance Studio
Pick-up: Walter Arts Center front entry at 4:30 p.m.
Register: dalmohandis@hollandhall.org
After School Enrichment Class: $80
Limited class size: 14
Sakawa/Wanata Track Meet kicks off soon

April 18
5th Grade: 8:20-10:30 a.m.
4th Grade: 1-3:10 p.m.
April 19
6th Grade 9:15-11:15 a.m.
Sakawas wear red, Wanatas wear blue
Middle School Parents' Association meet is April 4
Please join us for the final Middle School Parents Association meeting to be held via Google Meet on Tuesday, April 4, at 8:30 a.m.
The PA will also be hosting an end-of-year coffee on Thursday, May 4, at 8 a.m. in the Tandy. Come say goodbye to the current PA council and help welcome the amazing volunteers who will be taking over the council for next school year.
Google Meet Code
MS Final Exam Schedule
Final Exams are coming up for 6th-8th grade students. In advisory, we will help them plan their time and organize their materials in preparation for these assessments. The schedule for exam days, May 17-19, can be found below. Gina Johnson will be in touch regarding extended time. Special times for 8th grade students on May 19 are also included.

Save the date for 8th grade graduation

Eighth Grade Graduation is right around the corner and co-chairs, Leigh Ann Moss-Sherburn and Kim Schutz, have plans well underway. They will be coordinating an 8th Grade Video montage for our students. To ensure your child is included in this video, please send 4-5 digital photos of your child (from any age, activities, or family events) in jpeg format with high resolution to HH8thGradeGraduation@gmail.com by April 15. Get out the tissues and start going through photos!
After-school enrichment classes offered
Easter ~ American Girl Style!
Come have a Hippity-Hoppity fun time with Mrs. Bucholtz and Mrs. Gollihare as we celebrate Easter ~ American Girl Style! We will craft up something "eggstra-special" for you and your favorite friend, provide an "eggcellent" snack, have an "eggciting" Easter egg hunt, and an "eggstremely" fun day of play!
Who: Grades PreK - 4th
When: Monday, March 27 - 3:05-4:45 p.m.
Where: Primary School Kindergarten Pod
Pick-up: Primary School flagpole at 4:45 p.m.
Register: almohandis@hollandhall.org
Class fee: $45
Maximum class size: 30
Ready, Set, ACT! Theatre Enrichment Class with Upper School Theatre Arts director Leslie Long
Let your child explore the first steps to understanding what acting is all about! In this fun and supportive class, children use theater games, storytelling and role-playing to stretch their imaginations and discover the endless creativity and confidence in themselves.
Who: Grades 1 - 4
When: Tuesdays, April 4 - May 2 - 3:15-4:15 p.m.
Where: Primary School multi-purpose room
Pick-up: Primary School flagpole at 4:15 p.m.
Register: dalmohandis@hollandhall.org
Class fee: $105 (5 weeks)
Maximum class size: 20
Youth Basketball Drills & Skills!
Are you ready to work on the fundamentals of basketball? Coach Savage and Coach Hall want to assist you in improving your dribbling, shooting and passing. Coach Ann Savage graduated from Holland Hall in 2015, where she scored over a 1000 points for the Dutch. Coach Savage continued playing college basketball at Austin College, where she earned all conference honors all four years. Coach Hall graduated from Broken Arrow High School in 2017, where he played varsity basketball for three years. He continued his education at both Northern Oklahoma College and Arkansas Tech University, where he scored over 1000 points in his three years at Arkansas Tech and earned all conference honors. Both Coach Savage and Coach Hall are now a part of the Holland Hall basketball coaching staff and are excited to work with the future Dutch basketball stars.
Who: Grades 4-7
When: April 4 - May 11 (6 weeks)
Girls - Tuesday - 3:30-4:30pm
Boys - Thursday - 3:30-4:30pm (4th/5th) and 4:30-5:30pm (6th/7th)
Where: Middle School Gym
Register: dalmohandis@hollandhall.org
Class fee: $125
Maximum class size: 16
GPACAC Spring 2023 College Fair
Meet admission representatives from up to 54 colleges and universities from across the country at GPACAC’s Tulsa Area College Fair on April 5 at 6 p.m. for free! All Upper School students and families are encouraged to attend. The full list of colleges and universities that will be in attendance can be found here. Electronic student scanning will be available at the fair. Students should register for a barcode at www.strivefair.com.
When: April 5, 6-7:30 p.m.
Where: Holland Hall, Tandy Dining Hall
HH student, teacher to head district student council group

This past week the US Student Council went to the Oklahoma Association of Student Councils District 7 Spring Districts hosted by Kellyville. Asher Patel was chosen to serve as the 2023-2024 president of District 7.
Mrs. Kelly was chosen to serve as the District 7 advisor for the next three years.
Our Dutch Student Council has been very active this year

We hosted Fall Districts back in September, planned big events such as Field Day, school dances and pep rallies, held food and clothing drives and a kindness week, and numerous other things.
It is great to be a school leader and these leaders have served both our school community and the greater Tulsa community beautifully.
Applications to run for office for the 2023-2024 school year will be available mid-April. See Mrs. Kelly for more details.
Julian Aaronson to show short film at San Francisco Film Festival
Student filmmaker, Julian Aaronson will be represented at the 2023 San Francisco Film Festival, Shorts 5: Youth Works!
Saturday, April 22 | 12:30 pm PT | CGV San Francisco
Featured is his film, "The External-Internal Monologue of an Interdependent Insomniac."
Synopsis: Fraught with insecurities over sexuality, self-acceptance, and gender, a sleep-deprived teenager explains various smells.
Summer opportunities are on the horizon
It's time to begin conversations with your student about his/her plans to explore academic programs, jobs, volunteer positions, etc.
Each week, we'll showcase various programs at universities throughout the country and local options!
Follow College Counseling on social media for highlights about these programs:
Facebook - Holland Hall College Counselors
Instagram - hhcollegecounseling