Dutch Weekly Aug.4-11


It's almost time to come back to school!
The Parents' Association is working hard to plan helpful and fun events for parents and students as we start back to school in August.
First up on AUGUST 14...
Back to School Bash
Primary School students and their families are invited to this fun event on August 14 in the Primary School Gym. There will be an ice pop truck, inflatables and time to meet classmates and some teachers. Please make sure to come during your child's time slot.
- WHO: PS students and their families
- WHEN: August 14
- 9:00-9:45 a.m. — Early Pre-k
- 10:00-10:45 a.m. — Pre-k & Junior Kindergarten
- 11:00-11:45 a.m. — Kindergarten
- 12:00-12:45 p.m. — 1st grade
- 1:00-1:45 p.m. — 2nd grade
- 2:00-2:45 p.m. —3rd grade
- DRESS: Come dressed to play.
- WHAT TO EXPECT: Register your car HERE, and your sticker will be ready to pick up at the event. Shop for Dutch Day gear — students may wear a Holland Hall Tshirt purchased from the Dutch Zone or Athletics every Friday throughout the school year.
- VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: If you would like to volunteer and get to know some awesome PA members, please sign up HERE.
DutchZone Sale
A DZ pop-up shop is open to all parents — PS, MS, US — at the Back to School Bash. Come shop new merchandise, including new Dutch Day shirts, hoodies and more.
- WHO: Any HH family
- WHEN: 9 a.m.-3 p.m. August 14
- VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: If you would like to volunteer to help organize merchandise and bag, please sign up HERE. You will get a 20 percent discount on your purchase that day for volunteering!
Upper School Parent Welcome Back Coffee and Resource Fair
Meet other US families and ask any questions you may have about the upcoming school year.
- WHERE: Walter Arts Center Holliman Gallery
- WHEN: 8:45 a.m. Wednesday, August 16
- WHO: Any US family
Primary School Parent Welcome Back Coffee and Resource Fair
Meet other PS families and ask any questions you may have about the school and the upcoming year.
- WHERE: PS Multipurpose Room
- WHEN: 8-10 a.m. Thursday, August 17
- WHO: Any PS family
Middle School Parent Welcome Back Coffee and Resource Fair
Meet other MS families and ask any questions you may have about the school and the upcoming year.
- WHERE: Tandy Dining and Wellness Center and Tandy Porch
- WHEN: 8-9 a.m. Friday, August 18
- WHO: Any MS family
A new app is coming soon
The new Holland Hall app will be available soon. It will provide an easier way to talk to other parents in your child's grade and just make navigating Holland Hall communication easier! To prepare, we want to make sure we have all of your directory information correct.
Please log in to the Parent Portal, gotohh.org/parentportal, and click HOUSEHOLD at the top of the screen — or in the drop-down menu on mobile. The number and email printed in the Main Contact Email and Main Contact Number will be used in the directory, which will still be password protected and for use only by Holland Hall families. Also make sure your Mobile Number is correct for any texts the school may need to send.
And while you're filling out forms ...
- Have you signed your student's annual forms?
- Have you completed your 7th- or 9th-grader's OSSAA form?
- Have you made an appointment for your child's physical if it's time for an update?
- All of these tasks must be completed before school starts, and forms can be found in the Parent Portal.
HH families and students need to register cars for 2023-24 permit
Click here to register your car. You will be asked for the make/model/color and license plate number of your car.
Permits may be picked up at either at the Campus Safety office or can be picked up at the back to school events once you have registered.
DutchBackers needed for the new athletic year

As we hit the midway point of July we are gearing up for an exciting 2023-24 athletic year. Help support Dutch athletics by becoming a member of the Dutchbackers — sponsorships and memberships are now posted on the Holland Hall website: 2023 - 2024 Dutchbacker Membership.
We will have three media guides this year: fall, winter and spring. We need all media guide ads and scoreboard logos by August 15. We hope to have the fall media guide available in early September
Thank you for your support of Dutch athletics!
Read a letter from Primary School Head Vanessa Jones
An Open House on Tuesday, August 15, kicks off the school year in the Primary School. Read about the event and more in Head of Primary School Vanessa Jones' letter here. And be watching for Class letters and teacher placements in the Parent Portal.
Primary School Open House
We welcome families to join us on Wednesday, August 16, during our annual Open House from 9-10:30 a.m. for a come-and-go style event. This is the dedicated time to visit the classroom and meet your teachers for the upcoming school year. Uniforms are not required on this day. The first day of class is Thursday, August 17.
Please note that dismissal on Thursday, August 17 and Friday, August 18 is at 11:45 a.m. (EPK, PreK, JK) and noon (Kindergarten, First, Second, and Third). Friday, August 18, is a Dutch Day, so feel free to wear a spirit shirt.
Before-school care will be available August 17 and 18 but there will be no after-school care available on August 16, 17, or 18. Please make arrangements to pick up your children at dismissal on August 17 and 18. Regular after-school care will begin Monday, August 21. Please note that Kindergarten drops off at the main entrance and is dismissed from the EPK/JK circle.
Before and After Care information
Holland Hall offers before- and after-care for students from EPK through Middle School. New families will receive an invitation to download the app — Procare — the week before school starts.
For more information, click here, or visit hollandhall.org/parents.
Mark your calendars for Primary School Night at the Football Game

One of the best events of the year happens on Friday, Sept. 8 — Primary School Night at the Football Game!
Festivities will begin at 5 p.m. with food trucks, followed by a special performance from our Primary School students, and even a halftime performance from our Primary School Summer Cheer Camp participants. We will have temporary tattoos, stickers, face paint, football, and fun!

Read the opening letter from Head of MS Jennifer White
Classes in the Middle School kick off Wednesday, August 16, with a half-day. Find out what to expect, and what events you need to attend in the Mrs. White's letter here.
Find information on everything from lunch to after-care here.
Uniform shirts and dress code information for 2023-24
The Dutch Zone in the Tandy will carry a few Middle School uniform shirts going forward. If you need a back-up or weren't able to order shirts in time for school to start, visit the Dutch Zone the week school starts. C&J Uniforms in the Fontana or landsend.com also have navy shirts. If you buy shirts from another retailer, please make sure they meet uniform guidelines and use a recommended embroidery source.
Find the uniform guidelines and a list of shops that do embroidery HERE. Please remember, you may not ask for logos to be put on any branded apparel — except Adidas for athletic purposes. The Holland Hall logo must be the only visible logo on shirts.
If you've already ordered from LandsEnd.com and received a navy shirt with a red logo, those shirts will be fine to wear.
7th Grade Class Picnic set

The Welcome Back Picnic for 7th Grade Families is set for 5-7 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 22.
If you have any questions, reach out to Grade Coordinators Chelsea Showalter or Mindy Jones. To sign-up, click here.
4th Grade Picnic set

Fourth Grade families should set aside 5:30-7 p.m. for the welcome-back picnic.

Read a letter from US Head David Parks
Upper School classes start Wednesday, August 16, with a half-day. Find out what to expect and more from Head of Upper School David Parks' letter here. And find out about everything from parking to requirements here.
Have you ordered books?
Parents of 9th-12th grade students can now use the Parent Portal, gotohh.org/parentportal, to see the list of courses in which students are enrolled. Books may be ordered from any retailer, but make sure the ISBN numbers match those listed in the MBS Direct Bookstore.
If you don't see the classes you thought your student enrolled in, there is an add/drop period.
Change requests will be prioritized in the following order:
- Under-enrolled students (those with fewer than 5 departmental courses in a semester): The Scheduler will be in contact with you and your child to review scheduling options and help select sufficient courses to be fully enrolled.
- Seniors concerned about a specific graduation requirement: please email scheduler@hollandhall.org. Course changes not related to graduation requirements will follow the normal Drop & Add process as school begins.
- Other change requests: will be addressed through the normal Drop & Add process as school begins. Students may reach out to their advisors about possible changes beginning August 14th after faculty return to campus — changes will not be considered before that date. Students should expect to start the school year in the classes as listed in the Parent Portal.
- Academic Advisors will assist with the fall Drop & Add process which ends Thursday, Aug. 31
Welcome to Yearbook
Upper school students enrolled in yearbook or who are hoping to add the course are invited to our kickoff event on Aug. 14. We will meet in the SMT commons of the Upper School from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Students should RSVP to Ainsley Gardenhire and may direct their questions to Shirley Sokolosky, adviser, ssokolosky@hollandhall.org.
College Application Boot Camp set
College Application Boot Camp will be Monday, August 7 and Tuesday, August 8. This is for seniors only. Students need to pick one session each day, but not two sessions on the same day.
Session times: 9 - 11:30 a.m. or 1 - 3:30 p.m.
The camp is optional (but strongly encouraged) and there is a fee of $30/day which will be billed to your family’s account in September.
Email Mr. Casey at bcasey@hollandhall.org and let us know which sessions you plan to attend. Thank you!
Senior Parent Orientation and College Counseling Overview
Revised event! The Senior Parent Orientation for College Counseling will now combine with the Senior Parent Orientation for one very important information gathering event for senior parents. It's a one-trip, one-stop shop. And, we hope, easier for you!
- WHEN: 6-7:30 p.m. Monday, August 14
- WHERE: US Lecture Center
- WHAT: You'll receive information from Mr. Parks regarding the start of school, and more, as it relates to senior events this fall and spring; Shirley Sokolosky will go over yearbook and senior pictures; Dee Laskey will address the Senior Internship Program — early planning is best; and the Campus Nursing staff will go over health documents; then the College Counseling team will finish up the evening with an overview of what will take place during the upcoming fast and furious months known as "college application season."
Senior picture sessions are happening now

Please set up your Ervin Photography appointment as soon as possible by calling 918-209-5050. Seniors are required to have a photo taken with Ervin and senior privileges in the fall will be linked to completing this vital task. The Ervin portrait will be used in the yearbook and other official school projects. Please note that once athletic practices and classes begin, students find it difficult to fit an appointment into their schedules. The scheduler will assist with information about what to wear in the official photo.
Monday, August 14: Primary School Back-to-School Bash and Dutch Zone pop-up shop (see above)
Monday, August 14: Senior Retreat
Tuesday, August 15: 9th Grade and New Family Orientations
Wednesday, August 16: Primary School Open House from 9-10:30 a.m.
Wednesday, August 16: First day of classes for Upper School and Middle School; early dismissal
Thursday, August 17: First day of classes for Primary School; early dismissal for PS (11:45 a.m. for EPK, PREK, JK) and noon (K-3rd Grade), repeats Friday.