Dutch Weekly: Dec. 18 - 30

All-school information
Campus Closed
Campus will be closed Dec. 20-25 so that all of our staff can enjoy the holiday with their families. No one will be allowed on campus during this time unless you are there for an official activity.
36th Annual College Deans' and Directors' Event
Holland Hall Deans’ and Directors’ Event, sponsored by the College Counseling office, and the first program of its kind in Oklahoma, has a wonderful and rich history. Dating back to 1985, this event hosts top college admission professionals from across the United States.For our 36th annual event, we welcome:Colorado State UniversityHeather Daniels, Dean of AdmissionDrexel UniversityMike Keaton, Dean of AdmissionTrinity UniversityJustin Doty, Dean of AdmissionThese experts in their field will discuss overall current trends in college admission, talk a bit about their own institutions, and answer any questions you might have.Plan to join us Monday evening, January 31, 2022, at 6 p.m. in the A.R. Marylouise Tandy Dining Hall on the Holland Hall campus. This event is free and open to the public.
Mark your calendar for the Parents’ Association Book Club!

WHEN: 6:30 p.m. Thursday, February 3, 2022WHERE: Stuart Family Alumni Center/Lawson Conference RoomWe are thrilled to have author Sasha Martin join us in our discussion of her memoir "Life from Scratch." Hors-d'oeuvres inspired by her blog, "Global Table Adventure" will be served, followed by a presentation by the author, Q&A, and book signing.Click here for more about the bookClick here for more about Sasha MartinClick here to purchase your copy via Magic City Books, where a number of copies have been reserved. Hard copies and digital downloads are also available through the Tulsa City-County Library or wherever books are sold or through used bookstores such as Abebooks.com.More information and RSVP coming soon!
From the Head of School: Masks are optional
Masks are optional for all students and faculty, whatever their vaccination status, at this time.
Middle School News

B.E.A.R. Night
B.E.A.R. Night for 4th grade is set for January 6.If your child will require medication to be given at school during this overnight on-campus event please click on the link below and fill out the form.Please note - Please make a separate entry for each required medication.
- All medications must be brought to the nurse's office by Tuesday, Jan. 4.
- All medications must be received in their original container, as required by Oklahoma state guidelines.
- Please only provide the exact number/amount of medication to be administered during this time.
- Prescription medications will ONLY be administered as prescribed by the physician.
- Over-the-counter medications will be given at the time and dosage indicated by you, provided these instructions fall within the pharmaceutical guidelines.
- Students are not allowed to carry ANY medications, including over-the-counter medications.
- Completion of this form authorizes a Holland Hall employee/chaperone to administer the provided medication(s) to your child.
Upper School / College Counseling

ACT 101 Strategy Session
We invite students to join Revolution Prep on Saturday, Jan. 22 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. for an interactive strategy session to practice for the official ACT! This free two-hour session is designed to give students insight into the ACT exam as well as provide tips and tricks for test day. In these sessions, one of our professional tutors will teach core test-taking strategies including a dive into the exam content and structure, how to avoid common traps, and how to create the best plan for success.Register here: https://www.revolutionprep.com/partners/21477/