Dutch Weekly Dec. 9 - 15

Important: traffic flow and start times for next week

To keep traffic flowing as smoothly as possible, we have made a few changes that are outlined below by branch. For these 5 days — beginning Monday, Dec. 11 — please allow some extra time to drop off and pick up your children. Continue to check your email for updates and any necessary changes to what is outlined below.
Primary School
- All grades in Primary School will maintain regular school hours all week, and will have late start on Wednesday.
- Cars will enter the middle gates, drop off as usual, and exit from the east primary school gate.
- The parking spaces facing 81st Street will be closed all week to allow for more traffic flow.
Middle School
- All grades will begin school each day at 8:30 (even Wednesday).
- Students who need to arrive at regular times will be supervised by faculty in the Tandy until the main building opens at 8:15.
- 4th/5th grade cars will enter the middle gates, drop off and pick up in the lollipop, and exit the east primary gates.
- 6th-8th grade cars will enter and exit the main gates and drop off and pick up at the main west middle school entrance. Be aware that only one side of the gate will be open and there will be two-way traffic entering and exiting on the one side.
- Families with children in multiple grades may drop off and pick up all siblings at the same spot — either the lollipop or west middle school driveway. Please coordinate the pick-up spot with your children.
Upper School
- All grades will have final exams each day this week.
- Morning Meeting will begin M/W/F at 9:15, exams will begin at 9:30 and end at 11:30. The afternoon exam on Monday will begin at 1:30 and end at 3:30.
- For English and Social Studies, on Tuesday and Thursday mornings respectively, teachers have communicated class specific expectations.
- Monday, students are invited to a breakfast to kick off exam week. Breakfast will be served beginning at 8 a.m. We encourage students to arrive before 8:15 or after 8:30 to avoid the middle school traffic.
- All cars going to the Upper School will use the main entrance, but please be aware that only one side will be open. There will be two-way traffic on the east side of the main gate.
Need a teacher gift? DutchDash it! Plus extended hours

The Dutch Zone will be open extended hours through Dec. 15, and by appointment the Dec. 18-20!
Find new products — like limited edition ornaments made by Upper School chemistry teacher Emily Lim, Apple Watch bands, beaded earrings, and even custom cocoa bombs from a Holland Hall parent!
Gift wrapping is available upon request.
A heartfelt thank-you from the Dutch composters!

Yearbooks on sale for early-bird price

Yearbooks are on sale now for $75, and include content for all grades. Personalized book sales end Jan 26, and regular book sales end March 1. After March 1, price goes up to $100 per book.
2024 Gezellig auction needs your help

The Gezellig committee is requesting donations such as a gift cards, weekend getaway package, vacation homes, merchandise, spa and beauty items, artwork, or any other services and experiences, to help make the school's auction a success.
This is a fantastic way for a business to gain exposure and your contribution will be a crucial part of our fundraising efforts and help us achieve our goals.
In return for your generous donation, we will recognize your support during our promotion of the online auction and through social media.
Please let us know If you have any questions or would like to make arrangements to pick up donation items.
Bronya Zamarin
Kulsum Siddiqui
From the Nurses
Broken arms, surgeries, and major dental work!! Oh my!!
Life happens and unfortunately that can sometimes mean a broken arm/hand, some kind of lengthy illness, surgery, and/or a host of other things! When those things happen, we want to make sure that we are doing all that is needed to aid in your child’s effective healing and recovery. To that end, please provide a written note from your child’s physician if/when they return to school from getting a cast or brace, having surgery, getting crutches, having major dental work, a trip to the emergency room, etc.
Please ask the physician to note if the child is cleared to return to school AND cleared for all activities. If the physician recommends restrictions or accommodations for the child’s return, please ask that the physician be as detailed as possible with these instructions.
If your child will need prescription medication, please complete (including the physician’s signature) an Authorization for Prescription Medication form and return it with the medication.
If you are unsure if your child needs a physician’s note, please reach out to your school nurses Kathleen Alabbasi or Kimberly Seabolt. We are happy to help!
Environmental Club December newsletter out now

Click here to read the student-produced December newsletter.
Environmental Club wants your bagged fall leaves!


FAFSA information session set
Senior Families: Plan to join Vicki Hendrickson, Director of Student Financial Services at the University of Tulsa, Monday evening, December 11, from 6-7 p.m. for an information session on all-things college financial aid. Vicki has been our guest for many years and is highly regarded as the local expert on the topic. The government release date of the FAFSA is still projected to be the "end of December," so plan to be ready as soon as it's announced. This discussion Q&A will help!
When: Monday, December 11
Time: 6-7 p.m.
Where: US Lecture Center
Questions about this event? Contact Brent Casey in the College Counseling office at bcasey@hollandhall.org or 539-476-8232.
Upper School Finals Schedule reminder
Monday, December 11
9:30-11:30 a.m. - World Language
1:30-3:30 p.m. - Tech
Tuesday, December 12
9:30-11:30 a.m. - English
Reviews for Science exams as scheduled by classroom teachers
Wednesday, December 13
9:30-11:30 a.m. - Science
Thursday, December 14
9:30-11:30 a.m. - Social Studies
Reviews for Math exams as scheduled by classroom teachers
Friday, December 15
9:30-11:30 a.m. - Math
1:30-3:30 p.m. - Make-up Exams
Senior parents, ads created by yearbook staff are due today

Please send to senior editor Mia Weinstein, journalism21@hollandhall.org. If your professional photographer is submitting the ad photo, please have them send to ssokolosky@hollandhall.org.
Looking ahead, professional ads are due Jan. 12. Please work with your designer now to be on time for this important deadline.

2023 Middle School Holiday Spirit Week

Regular Uniform Mon-Thur except for theme of day
Monday, December 11 - HOLIDAY T-SHIRT DAY
Tuesday, December 12 - HOLIDAY SWEATER DAY
Wednesday, December 13 - HOLIDAY ACCESSORY DAY
Friday, December 15 - HOLIDAY PAJAMA DAY
ERB CTP V Assessment Tests ready to view
Students in grades 6, 7, and 8 completed the ERB CTP V assessment in November, and they were tested in the following categories: Quantitative Reasoning, Math, Verbal Reasoning, Writing Concepts, Reading Comprehension, Vocabulary and Writing Mechanics. Your child’s results are now available on the parent portal.
The information derived from these assessments serves various purposes, including evaluating the effectiveness of our curriculum, comparing aggregate data with similar schools, and assessing academic achievement and potential for individual students and student groups. In addition, engaging in this form of assessment each year establishes a familiarity for students, preparing them for college entrance exams in subsequent years.
While standardized tests provide valuable insights into certain academic skills, it's important to recognize that they may not capture the full spectrum of your child's abilities. Teacher observations and classroom performance offer a more comprehensive evaluation, encompassing social, emotional, and cognitive aspects that contribute significantly to a child's overall development and academic success.
If you have any questions about how to read this report, please feel free to contact Holland Hall Director for Learning Support, Gina Johnson at gjohnson@hollandhall.org, or Middle School Head, Jennifer White at jwhite@hollandhall.org.
MS Chess Club meeting set

The last Chess Club meeting of the semester will be on Tuesday, December 12.
Stay tuned for possible chess dates in the spring as there will not be regular meetings.

Holiday dress days set in Primary School
Please check your child's Schoology page specific information.
Monday: Holiday accessory with uniforms
Tuesday: Holiday socks with uniforms
Wednesday: Holiday dress up/holiday free choice
Thursday: Holiday colors (Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Grinch, etc)
Friday: Pajama day