Dutch Weekly December 14 - 20

Save the date for a historic photo opportunity to honor Sparky Grober!
Did Sparky Grober teach you to drive? For many students and alums the answer is yes. If you are one of the lucky ones, you're invited to Upper School Morning Meeting on Jan 8, 2025, at 8:45 a.m. Let's get as many Sparky Students as we can in the gym afterward. Please spread the word to parents and other alums, including recent grads.
The Dutch Exchange needs cold-weather donations
Have your kids outgrown their Holland Hall hoodies, sweatshirts or jackets? The Dutch Exchange could use them! We are completely out of all adult sizes, and running low on youth sizes.
Donations can be made any time the A.R. and Marylouise Tandy Dining and Wellness Center is open. The Dutch Exchange is the place to drop off or shop for gently used uniform and spirit wear, and is located next to the B.T. in the Tandy, behind the front welcome desk.
2024-25 Fall Family Survey is open, please share your thoughts!
Each fall, we email out a Family Survey to get your feedback on all aspects of our school.
This brief survey covers academics, athletics, arts, school atmosphere, and more. This year, we even included an important calendar question for your consideration.
The survey is anonymous, but there is an opportunity at the end to list any special concerns you may have and to leave your number or email if you would welcome further conversations.
In the spring, we'll follow up with a more detailed survey featuring open-ended questions.
Please take a few minutes to give us your feedback when you’re able. The survey will close before the holiday break.
Click here to take the survey.
Take the stress out of holiday gifts! DutchDash them!

If you need a gift for any Holland Hall staff member, DutchDash it! Just come into the Dutch Zone — open every day until the break — and pick out anything you'd like (blankets, fanny packs, limited-edition ornaments created by our very own Chemistry Teacher Emily Lim, and much more!
Or give us a budget, and let us do the work. Your gifts will be beautifully wrapped and delivered to classrooms or offices by Dutch himself. It's a fun, festive tradition that classes really enjoyed last year! You have until TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17, to order!
ALSO, the DZ just received a shipment of new adult and youth T-shirts and hoodies in all sizes! Come pick up new gear if your kids have outgrown theirs.
To order DutchDash, stop by the Dutch Zone, email dutchzone@hollandhall.org, message the store on Facebook or Instagram, or click here to order. And, while supplies last, spend $50 in the Dutch Zone and get a limited edition holiday T-shirt.

Show your support for HH athletics and play golf!

One of Holland Hall's most fun — and most revered — events happens Monday, May 19!
Legendary football coach, teacher, and athletic director Charlie Brown is hosting his 31st annual Holland Hall Scramble Golf Tournament — this time at Meadowbrook Country Club on Monday, May 19, 2025
Corporate sponsorships are now open, and Charlie and Holland Hall Athletics need your support. All proceeds will help fund permanent bleachers on the new field hockey and soccer turf field, which is used by all grade levels!
All sponsorships include lunch, range balls, carts, green fees, plus a gift bag with golf balls, caps, and logoed advertising items.
Following the tournament sponsors receive a letter stating the tax-deductible portion of their sponsorship level.
This year’s format involves two separate “Shotgun” starts with 8:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. tee times.
For more information, contact Charlie Brown cbrown@hollandhall.org.
Sponsorship Levels:
Eagle Sponsor - $5,000
- One 4-person team entry
- Company logo on tournament caps given to players
- Premium hole sign
- Special recognition and company logo on tournament signage and School website
- Opportunity to place promotional items in player gift bags
Birdie Sponsor - $3,500
- One 4-person team entry
- Premium hole sign
- Company logo and sponsor recognition in the Holland Hall Magazine
- Special recognition and company logo on tournament signage and school website
- Opportunity to place promotional items in player gift bags
Cart Sponsor - $3,000
- One 4-person team entry
- Signage with company logo on all golf carts
- Company logo and sponsor recognition on tournament signage and school website
- Opportunity to place promotional items in player gift bags
Hole Sponsor - $2,000
- One 4-person team entry
- Premium hole sign
- Company logo and sponsor recognition on tournament signage and school website
- Opportunity to place promotional items in player gift bags
Par Sponsor - $1,600
- One 4-person team entry
- Company logo and sponsor recognition on tournament signage and school website
- Opportunity to place promotional items in player gift bags
Parental Choice Tax Credit available Feb. 18
Beginning with the 2025-26 school year, Oklahoma’s Parental Choice Tax Credit will be aligned with the school year. Unlike last year, parents will now fill out their information in February for the following school year.
Parents should apply for the credit on Feb. 18. The portal will not be open before that date.
Schools, however, must begin submitting student enrollment information soon. Families will receive their Enrollment Verification Number (EVN) in time to start the application process on Feb. 18.
Please take a moment to update your information in the Parent Portal. If the information listed in our system doesn’t match your tax return, your application will not be accepted, and you risk being put at the bottom of the list until the school can resend your information.
More information will be provided as it’s released from the Oklahoma Tax Commission. You can also check for updates at oklahoma.gov/tax/individuals/parental-choice-tax-credit.html.
One more month to buy personalized yearbooks

Your student's name and icons may be added to the 2025 yearbook cover until Jan. 24, 2025. Our photojournalists are on the move--you don't want to miss this book.
Click here to purchase your yearbook.
Updates and reminders about the uniform policy
One of Holland Hall's embroidery vendors has a new address. If you buy solid white polo shirts in Primary School or solid navy polo shirts in the Primary School, you may take them to be embroidered at a preferred Holland Hall vendor. The shirts must have no other logo but the Holland Hall H.
And, as the weather has gotten colder, Primary School students are wearing tights or leggings more often under shorts or skirts. Please make sure the tights are navy or black with no logos or embellishments.
Find the current uniform policy here.
NAME it Tulsa Embroidery & more
1629 S Harvard Ave
Suite B
A reminder about campus hours

Just a friendly reminder about normal campus hours throughout the week.
Monday through Friday - 7 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Saturday - 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Sunday - 12 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Please do not attempt to access any of the buildings outside of these hours unless prior arrangements have been made.

3rd Grade Art Show set for Dec. 17
Third-grade art students will have two pieces showcased in the north hallway of the Walter Arts Center on the following dates. Please walk through to view these at your leisure or during the Third Grade Musical Performance, which is on December 17 at 2 p.m.
Monday, Dec. 16
Tuesday, Dec. 17
Wednesday, Dec. 18
Dress up in Primary School all week!
Monday: Holiday accessory with school uniform
Tuesday: Holiday socks with school uniform
Wednesday: Holiday Free Dress
Thursday: Holiday colors
Friday: Pajama day! Wear your pajamas to school.
Dismissal in the Primary School on Friday
EPK, PreK, and JK will all dismiss at 11:30 a.m. Kindergarten-3rd Grade will dismiss for holiday break at noon.

Dress up in the MS all week!

2025 Goddard Scholarships for 6th and 9th grade students available

The Les and Ellen Goddard Merit Scholarship Program provides outstanding 6th and 9th grade students the opportunity to attend Holland Hall as merit scholars. The Scholarship Committee selects recipients on the basis of entrance exam test scores, recommendations, grades from the candidate’s present school, and a personal interview. The program is open to all new students entering 6th and 9th Grades in 2025-2026 and current Holland Hall 8th-graders.
Click here for more information.

US students are preparing for final exams
Monday, December 16
- 7:45-8:45 a.m. - Breakfast hosted by Mr. Culley and Ms. Beck
- 9-11 a.m. - Math
- Afternoon - World Language and Tech review sessions scheduled by individual teachers.
Tuesday, December 17
- 9-11 a.m. - World Languages
- 1-3 p.m. - Tech
Wednesday, December 18
- 9-11 a.m. - English: Teachers will be available.
- 1-3 p.m. - History: Teachers will be available.
- Afternoon - Science review sessions scheduled by individual teachers.
Thursday, December 19 *
- 9-11 a.m. - Science
Friday December 20
- Make-up exams
* Teachers will schedule additional testing times for students who double up in a discipline.
Reminder to Yearbook senior ad buyers
If yearbook staff is designing your ad, please submit all materials and ask your pro photographer to email or Dropbox images you've requested. Ava Khorgami '25 is in charge and can be reached via email journalism21@hollandhall.org. If you or another designer is preparing your ad, please have your finished, approved file emailed no later than Jan. 19, 2025.
The 25-26 FAFSA is live

Filling out the FAFSA is a crucial step in securing financial aid for college – and completing it in a timely manner can increase your chances of aid at some schools. If your student is requesting need-based financial aid from any college, please take care to fill it out.
To do:
- Create an FSA ID: Both the student and at least one parent must create an FSA ID at studentaid.gov if you don’t already have one. This ID will be used to sign the FAFSA and access federal student aid information.
- Gather Required Documents: To complete the FAFSA, you’ll need information from your 2023 tax return, W-2s, and any other financial documents for both the student and parent(s). Make sure to have these ready before you begin.
- Complete the FAFSA: Go to fafsa.ed.gov to start the application. Make sure to list all of the schools to which the student is applying.
Check each college’s financial aid deadlines. Some colleges encourage prompt completion of the FAFSA to maximize scholarship opportunities.
Some private colleges may also require the CSS Profile in addition to the FAFSA. The CSS Profile costs $25 for the first school and $16 for each subsequent school.
Contact your counselor for assistance with applying for financial aid.
Weekly summer program suggestions from College Counseling
Please contact Ashlee Lowry at alowry@hollandhall.org for more information about any of these programs.