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Tulsa’s only PreK-Grade 12 independent Episcopal school.

Dutch Weekly February 22 - 28

Reminder: No classes on Tuesday, Feb. 25

There will be no classes on Tuesday, Feb. 25, to allow time and space for the services of Mollie Buffington, a Holland Hall student. You can read Mollie's obituary here. Claire Esmond's service is set for March 1.

Meet college admission deans at the College Forum

When: Monday, March 3, 6-7:30 p.m.
Where: Holland Hall All Saints Chapel

Join us Monday, March 3, at 6 p.m. for the 39th annual College Forum in All Saints Chapel on the Holland Hall campus. This event is free and open to the public. No RSVP is required.

Holland Hall’s annual College Forum is sponsored by the College Counseling office. It is the first program of its kind in Oklahoma and has a wonderful and rich history. Dating back to 1985, this event hosts top college admission professionals from across the United States.

These experts in their field will discuss overall current trends in college admission, talk a bit about their institutions, and answer any questions you might have.

Click here to submit questions for the deans in advance.

Direct any questions about the event to Ben Brown, Director of College Counseling, bbrown@hollandhall.org.

Yearbook countdown is on

7 more days to purchase your yearbook for $75. Price increases to $100 on March 1 until books sell out. jostens.com.

Call for online auction donations!

Holland Hall’s online auction is right around the corner, and we need your help to make it a success! This exciting event supports our school and its programs, and we’re looking for donations from our incredible community.

Do you have a unique service, experience, or item to contribute? Popular auction items include:

* Vacation home stays
* Tickets to concerts, games, or events
* Gift cards to local restaurants or businesses
* Artwork or handmade creations
* Themed gift baskets

No donation is too big or too small — every contribution makes a difference! To donate or for any inquiries, please email Sydney May at smay@hollandhall.org.

Thank you for your generosity and support of Holland Hall! Together, let’s make this year’s online auction the best one yet!

Mahjong with the PA on Feb. 27 - CANCELED

The PA Mahjong party has been canceled for February 27.

Prairie restoration on campus

Thank you for making Trivia Night unforgettable!

Thank you to the nearly 400 Holland Hall community members who came together for an incredible Trivia Night! Your enthusiasm and generosity helped us raise funds to support our school, making the night even more meaningful. A huge congratulations to The Know-A-Lots for taking home the win—well played! We look forward to seeing everyone again for more fun next time!

Support HH by being a corporate golf tournament sponsor  

When: Monday, May 19, 2025
Where: Meadowbrook Country Club          

This is your invitation to become a corporate sponsor in support of Holland Hall while participating in this fun scramble golf tournament. It is a great marketing opportunity to the Holland Hall community.  Enjoy a round of golf with friends, or reward employees. The proceeds help fund the physical education and athletics programs at all levels. To enroll just say YES to this email and add the sponsorship level. Sponsors are invoiced April 1.

All sponsorships include lunch, range balls, carts, green fees, free beer, Hole-in-One shot for a new SUV from Bill Knight Auto, and a gift bag with golf balls, caps and logoed advertising items from sponsors. Following the tournament sponsors receive a letter stating the tax-deductible portion of their sponsorship level. This year’s format involves two separate “Shotgun” starts with 8:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. tee times at the players preference.

Click here for more information.

Host a Student From Tulsa's Japanese Sister City From March 21-26!

Tulsa Global Alliance is seeking host families for 14-year-old Japanese students from March 21-26. This 5-day homestay program is designed to accommodate families that have a Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. lifestyle, and it’s a perfect opportunity to experience hosting without a lengthy commitment. On Monday, March 24, the Japanese student will shadow your student at Holland Hall. Since 1995, Tulsa’s Sister City Partnership with Utsunomiya, Japan, has allowed our city to welcome over 500 Japanese students to Tulsa! Visit JapanTulsa.com to learn more and sign up!


It’s flu season!

Flu is on the rise in Oklahoma, but it still hasn’t peaked. We have seen a recent increase in the number of Flu cases, along with other viruses, at Holland Hall. It is up to each of us to do everything possible to reduce our chance of getting sick as well as reduce the likelihood of spreading illness to others.  

Flu symptoms usually come on suddenly. People who have flu often feel some or all of these signs and symptoms:

  • Fever* or feeling feverish/chills
  • Cough
  • Sore throat
  • Runny or stuffy nose
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Headaches
  • Fatigue (tiredness)
  • Some people may have vomiting and diarrhea, though this is more common in children than adults.

*It's important to note that not everyone with the flu will have a fever. If you develop any of these symptoms, it is recommended that you contact your primary care physician, stay home, and follow your doctor’s orders to treat the symptoms before returning to school or work. Remember, students must be fever free for 24 hours, without the aid of fever-reducing medications, and feel well enough to attend before they may return to school. Holland Hall’s greatest priority is the health and well-being of our community. We never want a student to feel obligated to attend school when sick. Administration and faculty are dedicated to assisting all students in making up missed assignments/tests due to illness.  If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out. Thank you for doing your part to help our community stay healthy this season!


Please note the Advisory Placement Policy

Our goal is to create balanced, inclusive, and supportive advisory groups where every student can thrive. The placement process involves careful consideration of various factors, including academic diversity, social-emotional well-being, and group dynamics. To ensure fairness and equal consideration for all students, we will not be taking or honoring specific requests for teachers or classmates. This policy allows our faculty to thoughtfully create environments that support each student’s growth and foster a positive learning community. Thank you for trusting us to make decisions with the best interests of your child and the entire school community in mind.


5th grade goes to BizTown on March 3

On Monday, March 3, Holland Hall 5th graders will step into real-world roles at JA BizTown, an interactive program by Junior Achievement of Oklahoma. As Town Citizens, they’ll run businesses, earn paychecks, manage bank accounts, and experience economics firsthand — bringing their learning to life in a fun and engaging way!

Middle School Talent Show is March 7

The 4th, 5th, and 6th graders will have their Annual Talent Show on Friday, March 7 from 2-3:10 p.m. in the BT, which is accessed through the main doors of the A.R. and Marylouise Tandy Dining and Wellness Center. Families of those performing are welcome to attend.

Reminders about MS absences

Attendance Policy
Parents must inform the Middle School office by 8:15 a.m. at msattendance@hollandhall.org if a student will be absent from school.

Planned Absences
Students who have a planned school-related absence should communicate with their teachers regarding the schoolwork they may miss during their absence.

Students who have a planned personal absence need to fill out a Planned Absence Form. The Planned Absence Forms can be found in the Middle School office. The form will require students to meet with each teacher before their scheduled absence. A copy of the form should be turned in to Mrs. Danner in the MS Office.


How to Pay Less for College Webinar

The webinar will be on Wednesday, Feb. 26, at 7 p.m.

Planning to pay for college is one of the most critical parents of the college planning process. College Counseling encourages parents of 9th, 10th, and 11th-grade students to attend an informative and timely webinar.

Advance registration is required: https://join.smarttrackcollegefunding.com/holland-hall/webinars/CuhapWzP/register

We are providing our 9th-11th grade families with a no-cost, no-obligation professional College Funding Evaluation because we know how important the financial piece of college planning is, and that it starts as early as 9th grade. We highly recommend you take advantage of this opportunity to "stress-test" your current funding plans.

  1. Create your complimentary SMARTTRACK® Parent account here.
  2. Answer the general questions in the quick Assessment (necessary in order to get personalized, professional feedback!)
  3. Get your confidential evaluation

If you already have an account, bookmark this page to login anytime. One parent account per household.

We hope you’ll take advantage of these valuable resources.

Reminders about US absences

Attendance Policy
Parents must inform Mrs. Alford, US Attendance Coordinator, by 8 a.m. at USattendance@hollandhall.org or 539-476-8287 if a student will be absent from school or tardy to school.

Planned Absences
Students who have a planned school-related absence OR personal absence need to complete an absence form. This requires them to meet with each teacher to discuss any work they may miss while they are out. The form should be completed, signed by a parent, and then turned in to Mrs. Alford prior to the scheduled absence. These forms can be found in the US Business Office by Mrs. Alford’s desk.

Arriving Late/Leaving Early
Parents must notify Mrs. Alford via email or phone call if their student(s) will arrive late to or leave early from campus. Students should communicate directly with teachers to discuss any work they missed due to their late arrival or early departure.

9th and 10th grade Parent College Counseling Nights are Feb. 24 - POSTPONED

Both events have been postponed to a later date.

Weekly summer program suggestions from College Counseling

Please contact Ashlee Lowry at alowry@hollandhall.org for more information about any of these programs.

Summer Program Suggestions »

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