Dutch Weekly: June 17-30


2023 Commencement Video

Congratulations to the Class of 2023! If you missed the ceremony, want to watch it again or send it to out-of-state family, it is now available to view here.
Annual Forms and Updating Household Information
It’s that time again and we need your help!
It is time to fill out, verify or update information required for next school year.
All of the forms you once filled out and signed on paper are now online.
The information verified and gathered when completing Annual Forms or Updating Household Information is of the utmost importance. We need to have accurate information, including address, emails and phone numbers in order to contact you if the need arises. You will notice much of the information requested is already in place and you will only need to verify it is correct. Any updates or new information you add will be stored so this process will move even faster in the future.
To begin, go to the Parent Portal (https://gotohh.org/parentportal), sign in and read the All School News article “Annual Forms and Update of Household Information”. Annual Forms are best completed on a computer, not a mobile device. If you need some help along the way, please check the information at the top of each section for how to communicate by email to best serve your needs. Make sure to include your name and contact information, a brief explanation of the issue and the best time to reach out to you.
If your family has had a significant change in household circumstances, do not try to correct it yourself. Please send a short email to studentbilling@hollandhall.org so we can reach out to you for more information.
As always, it will be very helpful to complete this process sooner than later.
Thank you for your timely attention to this very important piece of preparing for a new school year!
Upcoming Upper School Summer Programs for Academic Enrichment
Please visit the Summer Programs at Holland Hall page to learn more and register.
Driver's Education - 9th-12th grade
6/26-6/28 - M-T-W - 9:00a.m.-12:30p.m.
Freshman Reading Intensive - 9th grade
7/10-7/14 or 7/17-7/21 - 11:00a.m.-1:00p.m.
Freshman Writing Intensive - 9th grade
7/10-7/14 or 7/17-7/21 - 1:00p.m-3:00p.m.
Geometry PREP! - 8th-10th grade
6/26-6/30 - 12:30p.m.-2:30p.m.
Click here to register today.
Make your voice heard. Take the Family Survey

Each year, Holland Hall asks for feedback from its families. How does the school do with the 3 As — Academics, Arts and Athletics? Does your child feel supported? What has been great, and what could be better? Let us know by taking this SURVEY.
Holland Hall Summer Programs: Sessions 4 & 5

Don't miss out on the exciting offerings in Weeks 4 and 5 of Holland Hall's Summer Programs. Spots are still available, but are filling quickly. To register, go to www.hollandhall.org/summer
Session 4 - 6/20 - 6/23 - 4 day
A.M. Camps - 9:00-noon
7334A-01 - BAM Science Fun - 2-8 - MS Art Room
7286A-02 - Culinary Creations - K-5 - EDP room
7404-02 - Dutch Golf Camp - 4-8 - HH Tucker Family Golf Facility
7414A-01 - Dutch Tennis Camp - K-8 - HH Tennis Courts
7293-01 - Fine Motor Fun - PreK-K - JK Pod
7273A-01 - Hooray for Spanish! - EPK - PreK - PS 3's Pod
7260A-01 - Learn How to Fish with a Rod & Reel - K-6 - MS BT
7225B-01 - Lost in Space! - PreK-1 - PS MPRM
7328-01 - Ready to Act Theatre Camp - 1-3 - MS Blk Box
7411A-01 - Summer Athletic Commitment A (SAC)
HS Football 9-12 - 6:30-8:00am
7411B-01 - Summer Athletic Commitment B (SAC)
HS Coed 9-12 - 7:45-9:15am
7411C-01 - Summer Athletic Commitment C (SAC)
MS Coed 6-8 - 9:00-10:30
7332A-01 - Weird Science! - K-6 - PS Kindergarten - Full & Closed
P.M. Camps - 12:30-3:30
7270A-02 - Amazing Summer Fun! - PreK-4
7317A-01 - Aqua Art - Prek-1 - PS MPRM
7265A-01 - Inspiring Future Engineers - 2-5 - PS Third Grade
7209A-02 - Lego Robotics - 3-7 - US 227 - Full & Closed
7215A-01 - Robotics & the Library Makerspace - 1-5 - PS Library
7205A-01 - Superheroes, Obstacle Courses & SkyZone - K-5 - PS First Grade
7332A-02 - Weird Science! - K-6 - Kindergarten Pod
Session 5 - 6/26 - 6/30
A.M. Camps - 9:00-noon
7317B-01 - Aqua Art - 1-3 - PS MPRM
7291-01 - Company 21 Camp - 6-Adult - WAC Black Box
7286B-03 - Culinary Creations - K-5 - EDP Room
7262-02 - Driver's Education - 9-12 - US Lecture Center
7405-01 - Dutch Field Hockey Camp - K-9 - East/Hockey Game Field
7415-01 - Dutch Youth Football Skills Camp - 1-6 - Hardesty & Field #3
7321-01 - Explore! Dream! Create! - K-3 - PS Art Room
7335-01 - Fun Crafting with Polymer Clay - 2-6 - MS Art Room
7336-01 - Fun with Numbers: Dice, Cards,Color Tiles, & More - 4-5 - MS 4A
7247-02 - Hogwarts School of Magic & Wizardry - 2-6 - PS 3rd Grade
7254-01 - Little Sprouts Gardening - EPK-PreK - PS 3's Pod
7237A-01 - Welcome to First Grade - First Grade - PS 1st Grade Pod
7221-01 - Welcome to Kindergarten - Entering Kindergarten - PS Kinder Pod
7230-01 - Welcome to Second Grade - 2nd - PS 2nd Grade
7285-01 - Welcome to Third Grade - 3rd - PS 3rd Grade
7411A-01 - Summer Athletic Commitment A (SAC)
HS Football 9-12 - 6:30-8:00am
7411B-01 - Summer Athletic Commitment B (SAC)
HS Coed 9-12 - 7:45-9:15am
7411C-01 - Summer Athletic Commitment C (SAC)
MS Coed 6-8 - 9:00-10:30
P.M. Camps - 12:30-3:30
7270B-03- Amazing Summer Fun! - PreK-4 - EDP Room
7321-02 - Explore! Dream! Create! - K-3 - PS Art Room
7255-01 - Geometry Prep! - 8-10 - MS 124
7254-02 - Little Sprouts Gardening - EPK-PreK - PS 3's Pod
7271-01 - Secret Agent Camp - 2-5 - PS 3rd grade
7329A-01 - Sports, Arts, Crafts & More! - K-2 - PS 4's Pod
7205B-02 - Superheroes, Obstacle Courses & SkyZone - K-5 - 1st Grade Pod
7269-02 - The Reading Café - 4-8 - MS 4B&4C
7331B-01 - Ultimate PE Camp - Sports & Games - 1-6 - PS Gym
7332B-01 - Weird Science! K-6 - Kinder Pod
Don't forget to download photos!

We're still adding photos from the last days of school to Smugmug. Download your favorites for free, or order prints right from the site. https://hollandhall.smugmug.com/2022-2023
Report cards, reading lists are now on the Parent Portal

Currently, all End of Year Report Cards are posted for you to see in the Parent Portal.
Here is some helpful information for the summer and upcoming school year. Continue to check the Parent Portal periodically for updates throughout the summer and school year.
- Summer Reading: Please encourage your child to read this summer, and not just for our required summer reading. The required summer reading can be found under the Parent tab on the school website (under Upper School and Middle School Summer Packets) and is also linked here. Summer reading books can be purchased through MBS Direct or a vendor of your choice with the correct ISBN.
- Parent/Student Handbook: Once the 2023-24 handbook is posted in the Parent Portal, please sit down with your child to review this together.
- Back to School Information: As we approach August information about the opening days of school will be posted.
- Computer requirements: Macbook requirements and guidelines are posted in the Parent Portal.
- Books for 2023-2024: Various classes require purchased books and you will be able to get these through MBS Direct or a vendor of your choice with the correct ISBN once course enrollments are released (by mid July).