Dutch Weekly: June 2-16


Make your voice heard. Take the Family Survey

Each year, Holland Hall asks for feedback from its families. How does the school do with the 3 As — Academics, Arts and Athletics? Does your child feel supported? What has been great, and what could be better? Let us know by taking this SURVEY.
Love soccer? Experience the Dutch Coed Elite Soccer Academy

Join in an exciting opportunity to meet the Varsity coaches for older, competitive players. We will work to hone your technical abilities and tactical awareness. Four, 90-minute sessions will prepare players for the upcoming fall season (Monday, June 5 – Thursday, June 8 from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. on the lower field).
Camp T-shirts will be provided. *Physical required. Enroll at hollandhall.org/summer.
Explore the worlds of magic, dinosaurs or superheroes at camp

Don't miss out on the exciting offerings in Weeks 2 and 3 of Holland Hall's Summer Programs. Spots are still available, but are filling quickly. To register, go to www.hollandhall.org/summer
Session 2 - 6/5 - 6/9
A.M. Camps - 9:00-noon
7289-01 - All American Girl Party - PreK-5 - PS Kinder Pod
7315-01 - BAM Magic Camp - 2-8 - WAC Black Box
7319-01 - Chinese Culture & Connection - PreK-5 - PS MPRM
7231-01 - Coding & iPad Mania - 1-7 - PS 1st Grade Pod
7220-01 - Craft Crochet - 4-8 - US 227
7286B-01 - Culinary Creations - K-5 - PS EDP
7262-01 - Driver's Education - 9-12 - US Lecture Center
7248-01 - Dutch Cheer Camp - PreK-8 - PS Gym
7401-01 - Dutch Soccer Camp - 1-6 - Lower Soccer Field
7324-01 - Jewelry Making with Polymer Clay - 2-6 - MS Art Rm
7260-01 - Learn How to Fish with a Rod & Reel - K-6 - MS BT
7325-01 - Make a Clay Mouse, Spouse & Mushroom House - 3-6 - PS Art Rm
7326-01 - MakerBot 3D Printing - 4-6 - MS Library - Full & Closed
7330-01 - Target Archery - 4-12 - Field Hockey Field
P.M. Camps - 12:30-3:30
7289-02 - All American Girl Party - PreK-5 - PS Kinder Pod
7270B-01 - Amazing Summer Fun! - PreK-4 - PS EDP
7234B-01 - Dutch Perfect - 1-7 - PS Gym - Full & Closed
7209B-01 - Lego Robotics - 3-7 - US 227 - Full & Closed
7205B-01 - Superheroes, Obstacle Courses & SkyZone - K-5 - PS 1st Grade
P.M. Camps - 6:30-8:00
7418 -01 - Dutch Coed Elite Soccer Academy - 7-10 - Lower Field #2
Session 3 - 6/12 - 6/16
A.M. Camps - 9:00-noon
7289-03 - All American Girl Party! - PreK-5 - PS Kinder Pod
7313-01 - BAM Circus Fun - 2-8 - PS Gym
7264-01 - BItesize Broadway! - K-5 - MS Black Box
7245-01 - Calling All Mighty Mite Superheroes - EPK-PreK - PS 3's Pod
7319-02 - Chinese, Culture, & Connection - PreK-5 - MS 6th Grade Pod
7220-02 - Crafty Crochet - 4-8 - US 227
7286B-02 - Culinary Creations - K-5 - PS EDP
7401-02 - Dutch Soccer Camp - 1-6 - Lower Soccer Field
7414-01 - Dutch Tennis Camp - K-8 - HH Tennis Courts
7247-01 - Hogwarts School of Magic & Wizardry - 2-6 - PS 3rd Grade Pod
7323-01 - It's Dinosaur Week! - PreK-K - PS JK
7308-01 - Junior Zoo Art Workshop - K-3 - PS 4's Pod
7326-02 - MakerBot 3D Printing - 4-6 - MS Library
7327-01 - Playground Games, Classroom Games, & More - K-5 - PS MPRM
7330-02 - Target Archery - 4-12 - Field Hockey Field
7269-01 - The Reading Café - 4-8 - MS 4B & 4C
7411A-01 - Summer Athletic Commitment A (SAC) -
HS Football 9-12 - 6:30-8:00am
7411B-01 - Summer Athletic Commitment B (SAC) -
HS Coed 9-12 - 7:45-9:15am
7411C-01 - Summer Athletic Commitment C (SAC) -
MS Coed 6-8 - 9:00-10:30
P.M. Camps - 12:30-3:30
7289-04 - All American Girl Party! - PreK-5 - PS Kinder Pod
7316-01 - Amazing Creations Mixed Media Art - K-3 - PS 4's Pod
7270B-02 - Amazing Summer Fun! - PreK-4 - EDP Room
7228-01 - Arts & Crafts - 2-5 - PS 3rd Grade Pod
7231-02 - Coding & iPad Mania - 1-7 - PS 1st Grade Pod
7422-01 - Dutch Middle School Basketball Camp - 7-9 - MS & US Gym
7232-01 - Keyboarding - 4-8 - MS Library
7209B-02 - Lego Robotics - 3-7 - US 227 - Full & Closed
7215-01 - Robotics & the Library Makerspace - 1-5 - PS Library
Don't forget to download photos!

We're still adding photos from the last days of school to Smugmug. Download your favorites for free, or order prints right from the site. https://hollandhall.smugmug.com/2022-2023
Report cards, reading lists are now on the Parent Portal

Currently, all End of Year Report Cards are posted for you to see in the Parent Portal.
Here is some helpful information for the summer and upcoming school year. Continue to check the Parent Portal periodically for updates throughout the summer and school year.
- Summer Reading: Please encourage your child to read this summer, and not just for our required summer reading. The required summer reading can be found under the Parent tab on the school website (under Upper School and Middle School Summer Packets) and is also linked here. Summer reading books can be purchased through MBS Direct or a vendor of your choice with the correct ISBN.
- Parent/Student Handbook: Once the 2023-24 handbook is posted in the Parent Portal, please sit down with your child to review this together.
- Back to School Information: As we approach August information about the opening days of school will be posted.
- Computer requirements: Macbook requirements and guidelines are posted in the Parent Portal.
- Books for 2023-2024: Various classes require purchased books and you will be able to get these through MBS Direct or a vendor of your choice with the correct ISBN once course enrollments are released (by mid July).