Dutch Weekly March 15 - 28

Summer Programs registration opens April 1

It's almost time to register your child for Holland Hall's popular Summer Programs!
This year's camp line-up is better than ever, with popular sessions like Batteries Not Included!, Dutch Baseball, Field Hockey, Soccer, and Tennis camps, with International Cuisine returning and new sessions like Camp Mermaid and Sign Language I & II.
Nine weekly sessions begin Session 1 on May 27-30 and running through Session 9 July 21-25. View the 2025 Summer Programs online brochure here gotohh.org/spb .
To register April 1st, go to hollandhall.org/summer or click here for more information about Summer Programs.
Parents' Association Spring Book Club: 'Anxious Generation'

Looking for something to read over Spring Break? Pick-up a copy of "Anxious Generation" by Jonathan Haidt. What better way to tame your anxiety than reading this while on a relaxing vacation? All jokes aside, educators, including Mr. Culley, call this a "must read" for every parent. Please join our discussion on Tuesday, April 1, from 6:30-7:30 p.m. in the Upper School Library. This event is a Parents' Association collaboration with Magic City Books Events Director, Pat Cawiezell. Please RSVP here to help us plan the number of facilitators needed per small group discussion.
Click here to RSVP.
Spring Cleaning? The Dutch Exchange can help!

It's time for Spring Cleaning! The Dutch Exchange is looking for your gently used uniforms as well as Dutch Day items. You can bring them to the Tandy where a large yellow bin is located outside the Marketing & Communications Office. Our Holland Hall families appreciate your donations. Questions? The Parents' Association Dutch Exchange Coordinator, Alison Barto, can answer all Dutch Exchange related inquiries at abarto928@gmail.com.
Call for online auction donations!

Holland Hall’s online auction is right around the corner, and we need your help to make it a success! This exciting event supports our school and its programs, and we’re looking for donations from our incredible community.
Do you have a unique service, experience, or item to contribute? Popular auction items include:
* Vacation home stays
* Tickets to concerts, games, or events
* Gift cards to local restaurants or businesses
* Artwork or handmade creations
* Themed gift baskets
No donation is too big or too small — every contribution makes a difference! To donate or for any inquiries, please email Sydney May at smay@hollandhall.org.
Thank you for your generosity and support of Holland Hall! Together, let’s make this year’s online auction the best one yet!
Field hockey clinic is back! Save the date for March 30!

6th-11th graders, join University of Michigan Head Field Hockey Coach and 1996 Olympian Marcia Pankratz for a clinic at Holland Hall! Whether you are new to field hockey or are fired up to play again, learn from the top coaches in the country in our own backyard! Sticks and reversible jerseys will be provided! Participants will be required to have a mouth guard. Register here!
Support HH by being a corporate golf tournament sponsor
When: Monday, May 19, 2025
Where: Meadowbrook Country Club
This is your invitation to become a corporate sponsor in support of Holland Hall while participating in this fun scramble golf tournament. It is a great marketing opportunity to the Holland Hall community. Enjoy a round of golf with friends, or reward employees. The proceeds help fund the physical education and athletics programs at all levels. To enroll just say YES to this email and add the sponsorship level. Sponsors are invoiced April 1.
All sponsorships include lunch, range balls, carts, green fees, free beer, Hole-in-One shot for a new SUV from Bill Knight Auto, and a gift bag with golf balls, caps and logoed advertising items from sponsors. Following the tournament sponsors receive a letter stating the tax-deductible portion of their sponsorship level. This year’s format involves two separate “Shotgun” starts with 8:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. tee times at the players preference.
Click here for more information.
Important information about measles
With Spring Break here, many families are traveling. The Texas Department of State Health Services is reporting an outbreak of measles in the South Plains region of Texas. At this time, 223 cases have been identified since late January. Twenty-nine of the patients have been hospitalized and one school-aged child has died. There are also 33 cases in New Mexico, and some reported in Alaska, California, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, New Jersey, New York City, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Washington. There have been two confirmed cases of measles in Oklahoma reported this week. There is no public health threat associated with these cases. The individuals were isolated for the duration of the contagious period.
Measles is highly contagious, spreading through droplets by coughing and/or sneezing. It can be transmitted before symptoms are noted The virus can live in the air for up to 2 hours and with no immunity (meaning no previous infection or vaccination) the risk of infection is 90% if exposed. Therefore, additional cases are likely to occur in the surrounding areas.
- 7-14 days after exposure
- High fever
- Cough
- Runny nose
- Red eyes
- 2-3 days after first symptoms begin
- Tiny white (blueish or red) spots appear iside the mouth
- 3-5 days after first symptoms
- Rash - usually starts as flat red spots on face and hair
- Spreads down to neck, trunk, arms, legs, and feet
- Small raised bumps may appear on the flat red spots (the spots may join together)
- Fever may increase
- Rash - usually starts as flat red spots on face and hair
Most people who have not had the vaccine will get measles if exposed to the virus. There is no specific treatment, but the MMR vaccine protects children without the risk of serious complications of the disease.
If you have questions about your (or your child’s) immunization status, please contact your physician. At this time, there is no further recommendation for those who are vaccinated (or have immunity) against measles. We will update you if that changes.
If you have any symptoms or may have been exposed to measles, do not go to a medical facility. Isolate yourself and contact your health care provider immediately.
If you have any other questions, please contact Kathleen Alabbasi, RN, or Kimberly Seabolt, RN, at nurse@hollandhall.org.
Measles Fact Sheet from Oklahoma State Department of Health

After-school enrichment class begins soon
Ms. Ariel's Spring Art Studio
Spring has sprung in our art studio! In this fun and engaging class, young artists will explore the beauty of the season by drawing scenes filled with blooming flowers, chirping birds, sunny skies with green fields and trees, along with cute animals. Students will bring Easter to life through drawings of Easter baskets, bunnies, and festive decorations. This class is perfect for the child who loves art and wants to capture the joy of Spring and Easter in a unique way!
When: 3/31, 4/7, 4/14, 4/21, 4/28, & 5/5
Day & Time: Monday - 3:15-4:15 p.m.
Grades: K-3rd
Where: PS - Multi-purpose room
Pick-up: Primary School flagpole at 4:15 p.m.
Cost: $120 (6 weeks)
Class size: 20
Register: dalmohandis@hollandhall.org
Please let us know if your child will need to go to aftercare.
Girl Scout troops forming at Holland Hall

Does your daughter want to join Girl Scouts? Girls Scout’s mission is to build courage, confidence, and character in girls to make the world a better place. New K-3rd grade troops are now forming at Holland Hall for Fall 2025. Get more information and find out how to be involved! We have two Girl Scout Rally dates for your convenience:
Date #1: Friday, April 4, at 1:30 p.m. in the Tandy Lobby (Middle School, check in with the receptionist. We'll wrap up in time for PS pick-up).
Date #2: Tuesday, April 8 at 6 p.m. in the Primary School Multi-Purpose room.
Click here to learn more about the Girl Scouts.
For questions, please contact Suzanne Dodson (current 10th grade troop leader) at 918-625-3405 or Suzann1701@gmail.com.
Sixth grade field trip: exploring places of worship
On March 25, all sixth graders will embark on a meaningful field trip to visit four different places of worship. This experience will provide students with the opportunity to learn about various faiths, traditions, and cultural practices. Midway through the trip, we’ll take a lunch break at Woodward Park before continuing our journey of discovery.
Students will depart from school at 8:30 a.m. and return by 2:30 p.m. More details will be sent via email next week. Get ready for an enriching day of learning and exploration!
Sakawa vs Wanata Track Meet is coming soon!

The Holland Hall Sakawa vs Wanata Track Meet is approaching quickly! Which team will come out on top this year — red or blue!? More info to come via email. Reach out to your child's PE teacher if you have any questions. Go Dutch!
4th Grade - Coach Gray, kgray@hollandhall.org
5th Grade - Coach Gunter, tgunter@hollandhall.org
6th Grade - Coach McCrary, smccrary@hollandhall.org
Need a Sakawa vs. Wanata track meet T?

Show off your family's Sakawa or Wanata tradition with a blue or red T-shirt. The track meet is one of Holland Hall's oldest traditions, and siblings are traditionally placed on the same team.
So get a shirt for your athlete, yourself and anyone else who wants to take part!
The online store will open Friday, March 28, and will be open for just one week. Shirts will arrive before the meet.
Course selection process for the 2025-2026 begins soon
It is time to begin the course selection process for the 2025-2026 academic year. On Monday, March 3, I will be sending an email to all current 5th, 6th, and 7th grade students with a link to a Google Form. This form will lead them through the process of selecting a few courses for the 2025-2026 academic year. All forms are due no later than March 14th. Please discuss with your child which courses they will choose. Parent/Advisor conferences are a good time to ask any questions you might have about course choices. However, there are not a lot of choices to be made.
Students will need to complete the course selection forms from his/her Holland Hall google account and we highly encourage students to sit with parents as they complete the form.
Students will all be enrolled in English, Social Studies, Science, and Math (current math teachers will make these placements, more information can be found here) classes.
Students will choose:
- World Language: French or Spanish — students will be placed in their language of choice.
- Music: Band, Choir, or Orchestra — course information can be found here.
- Fine Arts Elective: 6th Grade: Art, Drama, or C3 (Create, Connect, Code), 7th Grade: Art, Drama, or Photography, 8th Grade: 2D Art, 3D Art, or Drama — we cannot guarantee first choice placement for electives but we do our best and most students are placed in either their first or second choice, course information can be found here.
- 7th/8th will select PE/Athletics - Fall selections are included on this course selection sheet, Winter/Spring selections will be chosen once the school year begins. More information about Fall offerings can be found here.
We ask that students send a copy of his/her responses to themselves so they have a record of what they selected. If they change their mind after submitting, they need to email Ms. Danner or Ms. White. These course selections are due no later than March 14.
Middle School Advisory Placement Policy
Our goal is to create balanced, inclusive, and supportive advisory groups where every student can thrive. The placement process involves careful consideration of various factors, including academic diversity, social-emotional well-being, and group dynamics. To ensure fairness and equal consideration for all students, we will not be taking or honoring specific requests for teachers or classmates. This policy allows our faculty to thoughtfully create environments that support each student’s growth and foster a positive learning community. Thank you for trusting us to make decisions with the best interests of your child and the entire school community in mind.
7th Downtown Studies kicks off soon
During March and April seventh grade students will be going downtown to explore and learn more about the past, present, and future of Greenwood and Downtown Tulsa. This field trip will be separated into three small group field trips, consisting of 25-26 students per trip. Students will begin their day with a docent led walking tour of John Hope Franklin Reconciliation Park and neighboring sections of Greenwood. The students will then end their day with a tour of the Greenwood Rising Museum.
MS service efforts to focus on campus
Given the many disruptions this term, the student council has decided to shift its service efforts to on-campus opportunities rather than spending Wednesday, April 30, off-site. Instead, they will be working on ways to serve the school community during non-academic windows over the coming weeks.
Our goal is to provide meaningful opportunities for students to contribute without impacting instructional time. We will keep you updated as plans develop and appreciate your support in encouraging participation.
Reminders about MS absences
Attendance Policy
Parents must inform the Middle School office by 8:15 a.m. at msattendance@hollandhall.org if a student will be absent from school.
Planned Absences
Students who have a planned school-related absence should communicate with their teachers regarding the schoolwork they may miss during their absence.
Students who have a planned personal absence need to fill out a Planned Absence Form. The Planned Absence Forms can be found in the Middle School office. The form will require students to meet with each teacher before their scheduled absence. A copy of the form should be turned in to Mrs. Danner in the MS Office.

9th and 10th grade Parent College Counseling Nights are April 2
9th Grade Families
When: Wednesday, April 2, 5:30-6:30 p.m.
Where: US Lecture Center
What: Meet the college counseling team for a college preparation discussion relevant to a 9th-grade student.
10th Grade Families
When: Wednesday, April 2, 7-8 p.m.
Where: US Lecture Center
What: Just after the 9th-grade chat, College Counseling will host the 10th-grade parents for a discussion relating to 10th-grade students and the college process.
SmartTrack College Funding Webinar recording available
We had a great College Funding webinar. If we missed you, no worries, you can still learn What Every Parent Needs to Know Now about Paying Less for College. The on-demand link will only be available for a limited time so be sure to view it soon.
Click here to view the recording.
Next Step: We are providing our 9th-11th grade families with a no-cost, no-obligation professional College Funding Evaluation because we know how important the financial piece of college planning is, and that it starts as early as 9th grade. We highly recommend you take advantage of this opportunity to ‘stress-test’ your current funding plans.
Click here to create your complimentary SMARTTRACK® Parent account. Answer the general questions in the quick Assessment (necessary in order to get personalized, professional feedback!)
Get your confidential Evaluation
If you already have an account, bookmark this page to login anytime. One parent account per household.
We hope you’ll take advantage of these valuable resources.
Reminders about US absences
Attendance Policy
Parents must inform Mrs. Alford, US Attendance Coordinator, by 8 a.m. at USattendance@hollandhall.org or 539-476-8287 if a student will be absent from school or tardy to school.
Planned Absences
Students who have a planned school-related absence OR personal absence need to complete an absence form. This requires them to meet with each teacher to discuss any work they may miss while they are out. The form should be completed, signed by a parent, and then turned in to Mrs. Alford prior to the scheduled absence. These forms can be found in the US Business Office by Mrs. Alford’s desk.
Arriving Late/Leaving Early
Parents must notify Mrs. Alford via email or phone call if their student(s) will arrive late to or leave early from campus. Students should communicate directly with teachers to discuss any work they missed due to their late arrival or early departure.
Weekly summer program suggestions from College Counseling
Please contact Ashlee Lowry at alowry@hollandhall.org for more information about any of these programs.