Dutch Weekly May 11 - 17

Girls Soccer in State Championship Game

The Dutch girls soccer team will compete for their third consecutive state championship TONIGHT at the University of Tulsa against Pryor at 8 p.m.
The game will take place at the soccer field located inside the TU Track, see map below.
Click here to purchase tickets or you can pay $13 cash at the gate.
If you are unable to attend and want to watch on the NFHS Network, you can watch it by clicking the link below. The live stream will cost $11.99 to purchase a monthly pass to NFHS Network.

Congratulations, Parents!
It is the end of the year! We made it!
I wanted to take a moment to thank you for allowing me to serve as the Parents’ Association President this year. It has been an honor to get to work alongside so many dedicated and talented staff, teachers, administrators, and volunteers. I am thankful for all the times and ways that you stepped up to support the school and our faculty, staff, and administrators this year.
Thank you!
Next year the capable, unflappable, and incredibly amiable Liz White will serve as your Parents’ Association President. She will be supported by Primary School Vice President Camille Fazell and Primary School Vice President Elect Tracy Todd, Middle School Vice President Betsy Hendershot and Middle School Vice President Elect Mindy Jones, and Upper School Vice President Rachel Monks and Upper School Vice President Elect Kim Schutz and President Elect Laura Fawcett.
We are truly in great hands next year!
This amazing team needs your help to succeed in making our school better, stronger, and more connected next year.
Do you have an idea or a suggestion? Is there an event or activity that you would like to participate in or organize? Is there a faculty member you would like to learn from or a facility you would like to use or know more about?
Please share your aspirations and hopes for the school with your PA Representatives and your Grade Coordinator.
Holland Hall has grown and changed in the 15 plus years that I have been involved as a parent. Many of these changes have been the result of parent involvement and investment. Please use your insight and perspective to help create the school that you would like to be a part of in the future.
See you next year!
Tobey Ballenger
Holland Hall Parents’ Association President ‘23-’24
We still have some yearbooks

Thanks to heavy early ordering, we were able to bring in extras. To get your copy, please go to Jostens.com. Once you have a receipt email, you may pick up at the Dutch Zone 8 a.m. to noon, Monday, May 13, through Wednesday, May 15. We expect to sell out so please order soon.
It's time to fill out Annual Forms for 2024-25
As this school year winds down, it’s time to start thinking about next year and the required forms you should begin filling out now.
To find the online forms, login to your Parent Portal (https://gotohh.org/parentportal) and click on the Annual Forms tab on the left side of the homepage.
These forms are best completed on a computer, not a mobile device. If you need help as you’re filling out the forms, please check the information at the top of each section for how to communicate any questions that arise.
If your family has had a significant change in household circumstances, you won’t be able to correct the information yourself. Please send an email to studentbilling@hollandhall.org so we can reach out to you for more information and set up your account.
Dutch Exchange is open for donations, last-minute needs

As the school year winds down, please think about what you could donate to the Dutch Exchange or what you might need to help get through the end of the year. The Exchange is open daily from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. and located in the Tandy between Ms. Silkman's desk and the BT.
Pick up what you need and drop off any uniform or Dutch Day items in great condition that you no longer need and want to share. This volunteer-staffed service is completely free. There is also a need for dressy Middle School music attire — white shirts and black skirts or pants.
At this time the Dutch Exchange is not taking the discontinued Middle School grey or red polo shirts. Please stay tuned for ideas on how to recycle those uniform items.
Camps are filling quickly. Sign up soon!

Step right UP to a summer full of amazing camps! Join BAM Circus fun for some juggling, balloon twisting & plate spinning! Learn hands on to chain stitch, make a slip knot or double crochet in our Crafty Crochet camp! Perhaps dive into the magic with herbs, fruits, and flowers in Nature's Toolbox: Crafting wonder & Cultivating Care. Sports, Arts & Crafts, Reading, & Field Trips, the options are endless! Come and connect with us for one exciting summer!
Eight weekly sessions begin on May 28-31 and continue through July 22-26. There will be no camp the week of July 4th.
To register, go to hollandhall.org/summer or click here for more information about Summer Programs.
Big sale in the Dutch Zone!
The Dutch Zone will be open from Monday-Wednesday until noon. Almost everything in the store is 10 percent off, and we've added a lot more to the 50 percent off racks!
Also shop new Peter Millar polos and 1/4 zips.
Senior Parents: Commencement tickets are ready!

Commencement tickets are now available to pick up in the Upper School at Jenna Alford's desk. Please remember that the only way we can give the tickets to someone other than the parent or guardian (such as the student, extended family member, former spouse, etc.) is for the parent or guardian to provide a note of permission (either in paper form or by email) to Jenna Alford, jalford@hollandhall.org. If you do not need all of your tickets, please return them to Jenna Alford as soon as possible so that they may be redistributed. If you are in need of additional tickets, please email Kathleen Jones, kathleenjones50@gmail.com, to be added to a waitlist should any tickets be returned.
Bold Studio Tulsa needs to see you for 2025 senior portraits!
Call today and book your full session for as early as June 1st! Yearbook only headshots are TBA so watch our Instagram @boldstudiotulsa for dates to be posted. Call 539-444-7606, Tuesday-Thursday, 10 a.m.-6 p.m., and Friday-Saturday, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. to book or email info@boldstudiotulsa.com.
Website is under construction but will have a scheduler to see availability by the end of May.
US cheer clinic and tryouts set

Tryout Clinic: May 20, 9-11 a.m.
Tryouts: May 21, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Location: Primary School Gym
Clinic and tryouts are open to all those that will be in the Upper School next school year.
Summer opportunities are on the horizon

It's time to begin conversations with your student about plans to explore academic programs, jobs, volunteer positions, etc.
Each week, we'll showcase various programs at universities throughout the country and local options!
Follow College Counseling on social media for highlights about these programs:
Facebook - Holland Hall College Counselors
Instagram - hhcollegecounseling
6th-8th exam schedule & 8th grade promotion information

Third Grade Bridge Crossing is approaching

Please note an important calendar date. The new date and time for the Bridge Crossing event will be Wednesday, May 15, at 1 p.m.