Dutch Weekly May 13-19

May 13-19

4A Girls Soccer State Championship set

Cheer on the Holland Hall Girls Soccer team on Saturday as they play for the state championship.
Woodward vs. Holland Hall
When: Saturday, May 13 @ 6 p.m.
Where: Rogers State University - Claremore, OK
Click here to purchase your tickets for the game.
No cash tickets available!
Is your family interested in a south Tulsa bus route?
There has been some interest in starting a school bus route that serves south Tulsa. If your family would be interested in this option, please fill out this Google Form. https://forms.gle/LGgtAiGDDRCkK4mX7
Volunteer bus drivers needed
Thank you to the parents who answered the Parents' Association's call for volunteer Bus Drivers in last week's Dutch Weekly! In case you missed last week's announcement, Holland Hall needs more bus drivers to take students on field trips, to sporting events, and meetings and contests at other schools. Teachers and coaches who can drive school buses are in short supply.
Parent volunteers willing to become licensed school bus drivers could greatly help our students, teachers, and community. Becoming a licensed school bus driver isn't difficult, but it does require passing the written CDL (Commercial Drivers' License) test and a 25-hour class. The Parents' Association is hoping to recruit enough parent volunteers to conduct a bus driver training class on campus late this summer or early next fall. If you want to help or get more details, please contact Tobey Ballenger, next year's PA President, at Tobeyjeff@hotmail.com 918-625-2169. Thank you!
Celebrate Excellence with the Dutch Athletics awards

The ceremony provides current student-athletes and their families the opportunity to celebrate the great tradition of Holland Hall sports with alumni athletes being inducted into the Hall of Fame. Upper School student-athletes and teams will also be recognized for their athletic accomplishments during the 2022-23 school year.
When: Friday, May 19
Where: Tandy Dining and Wellness Center
6 p.m.: Doors open
6:30 p.m.: Italian dinner
7 p.m.: Program begins
Tickets: $20 Each
Dress: Business Attire
Please RSVP by Tuesday, May 16, at the link below.
For questions contact Cathy Rowland at crowland@hollandhall.org.
Summer Programs registration is open! Act fast.

Have you planned your summer? Camps are filling quickly! We have Dutch athletic camps, Summer Athletic Commitment to keep our athletes conditioned and primed, Geometry & Reading, Coding & Fishing, BAM Circus Fun & Magic Camp, Welcome to Holland Hall prep camps for your child's rising grade, Gardening, Science, Jewelry Making and Theatre to name a few. We look forward to sharing our summer with you!
Seven one-week sessions run from May 30 - July 21.
Classes are available for 3-year-olds through adults. Call the Summer Programs office at (539) 476-8169 with any questions.
Newly Added Camps/Sessions
7254-02 - Little Sprouts Gardening - EPK-PreK
#5 - 6/26-6/30 P.M.
7322-01 - Interactive International Cuisine - 3-7
#6 - 7/10-7/14 A.M.
7337-02 - Okie Dokie BBQ! - 3-7
#6 - 7/10-7/14 P.M.
7322-02 - Interactive International Cuisine - 3-7
#7 - 7/17-7/21 P.M.
7337-01 - Okie Dokie BBQ! - 3-7
#7 - 7/17-7/21 A.M.
7230-02 - Welcome to Second Grade - 2nd
#7 - 7/17-7/21 A.M.
To register, go to www.hollandhall.org/summer.
Gezellig (in person) returns!

Are you looking for a fun and meaningful way to get involved with the Holland Hall community? Gezellig (an in-person party) is back in 2024 and we want your help! We are excited to welcome anyone interested in helping plan this spectacular evening filled with great food, entertainment, and a gathering of friends. If you would like to be a part of the Gezellig experience, please complete this form or reach out to Gezellig 2024 co-chairs, Bronya Zamarin thezamarins@comcast.net and Kulsum Siddiqui kulsumzsiddiqui@gmail.com.
Tulsa Youth Rowing hosts free clinic in May

Tulsa Youth Rowing will host a FREE introduction to the sport of rowing on May 27 from 8-9:30 a.m. at Tulsa Rowing Club.
Designed for students in 7th through 12th grades and their parents, this clinic will give you a taste of what it’s like to be a part of the rowing community. Rowing is a fantastic full-body workout that challenges both your physical and mental strength. It’s also a great way to make new friends and be a part of a supportive team.
During the clinic, you’ll learn the basics of rowing technique and safety from our experienced coaches. We’ll provide all the equipment you need, so all you have to do is show up in comfortable athletic wear and be ready to have fun.
Aimed at beginners, this clinic is the perfect way to dip your toes into the world of rowing. Who knows, you may even discover a new passion that you’ll love for years to come.
Click here to register.
Click here for more information.
Tulsa Youth Rowing offers summer camps as well. Click on the link below for more information.
Don't forget the Dutch Exchange — visit or volunteer!
As the year nears an end, has your child outgrown their uniforms? Need new shorts or uniform shirts? Choose from carefully curated, gently used khaki and navy shorts and pants, as well as primary, middle, and upper school shirts and skirts, in all sizes.
Dutch Exchange is located in the Dutch Zone in the Tandy and is open Wednesdays from 9-11 a.m. and 2-4 p.m., Thursdays from 8-10 a.m. and 2-4 p.m., Fridays from 8-10 a.m. and 2-4 p.m., and by request at the front desk.
Do you have a donation for the Dutch Exchange? You may drop off outgrown, clean, gently used Dutch outerwear, pants, shorts, skirts, jumpers, and shirts in the yellow bin near Ms. Silkman's desk in the Tandy anytime the Tandy is open. Please check for stains, rips, and tears before dropping your items off. Please donate only uniforms and Dutchwear in good condition that you would want your child to wear. Thank you!
Are you interested in volunteering at the Dutch Zone or Dutch Exchange next year? Each comes with a 20 percent discount pass in the Dutch Zone, and it's a chance to meet other parents and get to know the students. Contact Ashley Parrish, aparrish@hollandhall.org, for more information.

Primary School End-of-Year Events scheduled
The Primary School is busy next week! Check your child's Schoology page or look for an email from your grade coordinators for teachers or more information.
We have the following events scheduled:
Monday, May 15
- EPK Field trip
- PreK Field trip and Beach Day celebration
- 2nd Grade Invention Convention
Wednesday, May 17
- 1st Grade Reptile Play
Thursday, May 18
- JK Art Show
- 1st Grade End-of-Year Party
Friday, May 19
- 3rd Grade Bridge Crossing at 10:45 a.m.
Please remember that school dismisses at 10:30 a.m. on Friday, May 19.

Missing something? Check the Lost & Found
Haven't seen that hoodie in a while? Lost a water bottle, lunch box, etc?
PLEASE CHECK LOST AND FOUND near the Middle School maze.
We have a lot of items that need to find their homes. If unclaimed, they will be donated.
8th grade iPads
iPads will be collected on the morning of May 19 during Advisory time. Students should return the iPad, Logitech Keyboard case, Logitech Crayon, Apple Lightning cable, and Apple iPad charging brick. iPads and all accessories will be inspected after collection, and any charges for missing or damaged items will be communicated to you by the end of May. Please contact ipadsupport@hollandhall.org if you have any questions.
Book buy back set for May 5-June 2
Click here for more information on how to sell back your books.
Middle School art show runs through May
The Holliman Gallery of the Walter Arts Center is featuring the art created by Middle School students. The show runs through May 16. Stop by during school hours or before evening concerts to view this exhibit.
Visit our Cold War Era Living Museum
Please join us at the 8th grade Cold War Era Living Museum on Monday, May 15.
For the past six weeks, 8th grade students have studied the Cold War Era and created projects for their social studies final. In creating these projects, student's moved from researching the facts, to historical inquiry, and finally to the creation of a project and presentation that allows students to bring the subject to life. Each student picked a topic and will tell the story of experiences in this period of time. The goal is for students to understand what conditions and issues led to mistrust between the U.S. and USSR, thereby leading to the Cold War. Our hope is that they will be able to apply these lessons to the world they are living in today.
Each student has prepared a 1-2 minute presentation as well as a visual representation for their specific topic. Please feel free to move from presentation to presentation as students explain their topics. Students may wear costumes to school on the 15th. Costumes may be simple items found around the house; they do not need to be purchased.
The Museum is set for 11 a.m. to noon on Monday, May 15, in the Middle School BT. You may enter through the main Tandy doors.
8th grade Cardboard Boat Regatta set

Mark your calendars for one of the Middle School's most beloved traditions — the 8th Grade Cardboard Boat Regatta.
This year's contest is set for Thursday, May 18 at 1:45 p.m., at the Jenks Aquatic Center, 495 N. Birch St., Jenks.
Families are welcome to attend and must transport the boat to Jenks.
8th Grade Schedule for the Day:
9-10:30 a.m. - Academic 3 Exam, 8:15-10:30 a.m. (extended time)
10:30-10:45 a.m. - Break
10:45 a.m.-12:15 p.m. - Academic 4 Exam, 10:45 a.m.-1 p.m. (extended time)
1-1:30 p.m. - Students eat lunch and change into boat race clothes (parents transport boats to race site)
1:45 p.m. - Begin Boat Line-up outside of Jenks Aquatic Center
2 p.m. - Races begin
3 p.m. - Students excused from site with parents
Early dismissal on last day for 4th and 5th grades
The last day of school for 4th and 5th grades will be May 19 with a 10:30 a.m. dismissal time.
What parents can do the week of finals:
Continue to monitor their Finals Study Schedule and their active study strategies.
Support students in managing their activity schedule, less is more this week.
Insist upon 9-10 hours of sleep for your student. Removing electronics from their bedroom will help with a more friendly sleep environment.
Provide a healthy breakfast prior to finals.
Students will need a water bottle, pencils, and a book (if they finish their test early). No electronics will be allowed in the testing environment.
MS Final Exam schedule

Save the date for 8th grade graduation


Please check graduation and Baccalaureate Attire
HERE is the link again. Questions over attire? Please see College Counseling
Upper School final exam schedule

It's time to think about Class of 2024 senior pictures
Class of 2024 seniors are urged to set up their picture sessions with Ervin Photography before the school year ends. The Ervin portrait will be used in the yearbook and other official school projects. Senior privileges in the fall will be linked to completing this vital task. To set up your student's session, please call Ervin at 918-209-5050. They are open Tuesdays through Saturdays.
College Application Boot Camp for rising seniors set
The college counseling office will host a college application boot camp on August 7-8. Seniors choose from either a morning session or afternoon session each day. Times will be 9-11:30 a.m. OR 1-3:30 p.m. Mark your calendar now. This event is optional, but seniors are encouraged to attend!
Summer opportunities are on the horizon
It's time to begin conversations with your student about his/her plans to explore academic programs, jobs, volunteer positions, etc.
Each week, we'll showcase various programs at universities throughout the country and local options!
Follow College Counseling on social media for highlights about these programs:
Facebook - Holland Hall College Counselors
Instagram - hhcollegecounseling