Dutch Weekly May 18 - 31

Campus Summer Hours & Parking Decals
Summer Hours
Beginning Tuesday, May 28, Holland Hall campus will observe summer hours. Hours will be 7 a.m to 6 p.m. daily, Monday-Friday.
2024-25 School Year Parking Decals
Vehicle registration for the 2024-25 parking decals will be available beginning Monday, June 3. Stay tuned for links coming out soon.
It's time to fill out Annual Forms for 2024-25
As this school year winds down, it’s time to start thinking about next year and the required forms you should begin filling out now.
To find the online forms, login to your Parent Portal (https://gotohh.org/parentportal) and click on the Annual Forms tab on the left side of the homepage.
These forms are best completed on a computer, not a mobile device. If you need help as you’re filling out the forms, please check the information at the top of each section for how to communicate any questions that arise.
If your family has had a significant change in household circumstances, you won’t be able to correct the information yourself. Please send an email to studentbilling@hollandhall.org so we can reach out to you for more information and set up your account.
Dutch Exchange is open for donations, last-minute needs

As the school year winds down, please think about what you could donate to the Dutch Exchange or what you might need to help get through the end of the year. The Exchange is open daily from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. and located in the Tandy between Ms. Silkman's desk and the BT.
Pick up what you need and drop off any uniform or Dutch Day items in great condition that you no longer need and want to share. This volunteer-staffed service is completely free. There is also a need for dressy Middle School music attire — white shirts and black skirts or pants.
At this time the Dutch Exchange is not taking the discontinued Middle School grey or red polo shirts. Please stay tuned for ideas on how to recycle those uniform items.
Camps are filling quickly. Sign up soon!

Step right UP to a summer full of amazing camps! Join BAM Circus fun for some juggling, balloon twisting & plate spinning! Learn hands on to chain stitch, make a slip knot or double crochet in our Crafty Crochet camp! Perhaps dive into the magic with herbs, fruits, and flowers in Nature's Toolbox: Crafting wonder & Cultivating Care. Sports, Arts & Crafts, Reading, & Field Trips, the options are endless! Come and connect with us for one exciting summer!
Eight weekly sessions begin on May 28-31 and continue through July 22-26. There will be no camp the week of July 4th.
To register, go to hollandhall.org/summer or click here for more information about Summer Programs.
Senior Parents: Commencement tickets are ready!

Commencement tickets are now available to pick up in the Upper School at Jenna Alford's desk. Please remember that the only way we can give the tickets to someone other than the parent or guardian (such as the student, extended family member, former spouse, etc.) is for the parent or guardian to provide a note of permission (either in paper form or by email) to Jenna Alford, jalford@hollandhall.org. If you do not need all of your tickets, please return them to Jenna Alford as soon as possible so that they may be redistributed. If you are in need of additional tickets, please email Kathleen Jones, kathleenjones50@gmail.com, to be added to a waitlist should any tickets be returned.
Classes of 2025 and 2026: Online ACT practice exam
We are working hard to support our families this school year with additional resources. We have partnered with Revolution Prep again to offer our students an opportunity to take an online ACT practice exam.
When: Saturday, May 18, 2024 and/or Saturday, June 1, 2024
Time: 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Cost: Free – Live – ONLINE (take it at home!)
Register: https://www.revolutionprep.com/partners/21477/
We hope you will take advantage of this opportunity! Practice tests are an effective method to increasing your scores.
US Summer Reading

The Upper School Summer Reading assignments are now available! Please contact Jennifer Boots-Marshall, jbootsmarshall@hollandhall.org, chair of the US English Department, with any questions.
Click here to view the Upper School reading assignments.
Parents of 9th-11th Graders

We have quite a few test booklets left from the PreACT this year and last spring from students who have not picked up THEIR test booklets. We have over half the sophomore class in the stack. These are great resources as students begin to prepare for ACT testing. Please ask your student if they have their copy. We will recycle any left unclaimed on Thursday, May 23.
Parents, feel free to reach out with any questions to Ashlee Lowry, alowry@hollandhall.org, or Laura McNeese, lmcneese@hollandhall.org.
Bold Studio Tulsa needs to see you for 2025 senior portraits!
Call today and book your full session for as early as June 1st! Yearbook only headshots are TBA so watch our Instagram @boldstudiotulsa for dates to be posted. Call 539-444-7606, Tuesday-Thursday, 10 a.m.-6 p.m., and Friday-Saturday, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. to book or email info@boldstudiotulsa.com.
Website is under construction but will have a scheduler to see availability by the end of May.
US cheer clinic and tryouts set

Tryout Clinic: May 20, 9-11 a.m.
Tryouts: May 21, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Location: Primary School Gym
Clinic and tryouts are open to all those that will be in the Upper School next school year.
Summer opportunities are on the horizon
This is the final round of ideas to explore academic interests and volunteer opportunities this summer. Our office strongly believes in spending a few days learning something new this summer. We also highly value Upper School students holding part-time jobs in the summer! We're here to help advise if you have any questions!
Follow College Counseling on social media for highlights about these programs:
Facebook - Holland Hall College Counselors
Instagram - hhcollegecounseling