Dutch Weekly October 12 - 18

Start Fall Break off right with Field Day!

Field Day will happen on Wednesday, Oct. 16, from 5-7 p.m. on the Chapman Green, the Alumni Walk and the area around the Tandy building.
Field Day is the annual fundraiser for Middle School and Upper School clubs and grade levels that older students put on for younger students. It is helpful to think of Field Day as a fall carnival, where each club and class put on a booth activity in which children can participate.
There will be over 30 booths this year, including the Seniors’ Octopus Toss, Freshmens’ Pie in the Face, Sophomores’ Haunted House, and the Juniors’ Sodapop Wrangle. Face painting, egg throwing, dragon fighting, dunk tanking, sweet treats and much more will be available to enjoy! Each booth activity "costs" a certain amount of tickets, and each ticket costs 50 cents. You can pay with cash or check at the ticket tables when you arrive. We cannot accept cards.
As this is an after-school event, we will not be regulating what food and treat items are brought in/served. If you or your child has food allergies or sensitivities, please be mindful of this when making your selections.
For more information, please contact Philippa Kelly pkelly@hollandhall.org or Elizabeth Morgan emorgan@hollandhall.org.
A college discussion all parents need to hear — from EPK-12

Make sure to save the date to hear New York Times columnist and author Ron LIeber talk to families about saving for college, seeking merit aid and assessing a college's value.
Ron Lieber has been the Your Money columnist for The New York Times since 2008. His most recent book is "The Price You Pay for College: An Entirely New Road Map for the Biggest Financial Decision Your Family Will Ever Make," and he also published "The Opposite of Spoiled: Raising Kids Who Are Grounded, Generous, and Smart About Money" in 2015. Both were instant New York Times bestsellers.
Before that he wrote or co-wrote three books about gap years, young entrepreneurs and the best entry-level jobs in America. The gap year book was a New York Times bestseller when it came out in 1996, when Ron was 26 years old. He launched his online course about merit aid in 2023.
Who: All Holland Hall families can benefit from LIeber's financial advice. It's open to all parents at Holland Hall and in the greater Tulsa community, so invite friends from other schools.
When: Tuesday, Oct. 22, 7 p.m.
Where: Holland Hall All Saints Chapel
Click here to submit questions and topics for Mr. Lieber.
Are you visiting colleges soon? Make a Dutch College Connection!

Did you know that over 86 Holland Hall Alumni enrolled at 56 colleges and universities all over the US and Abroad have volunteered to give tours and talk to Holland Hall students and families about their college journey?
From Auburn to Valparaiso there is a Dutch alum willing and eager to help you and share practical advice and lived college experience.
Students, please ask your college counselor to access the Dutch College Connection. Parents and guardians can reach out to Tobey Ballenger (find her contact information in the HH directory) who manages this program of the Holland Hall Parents' Association.
Order your Lulu gear from the Dutch Zone

Due to popular demand, the Dutch Zone is doing a special pre-order for Lululemon outerwear and a few select items. Use the QR code in the photo above or click here to order. Because this is a pre-order, there will be no returns or exchanges. The store also won't be able to offer any discounts on these items.
Bring your pet to the Blessing of the Animals

You are warmly invited to join us in celebrating the Feast of St. Francis with a special Blessing of the Animals. Bring your beloved pets to the chapel on Oct. 13 at 3 p.m. for a time of prayer, thanksgiving, special treats and blessing. Together, we will honor St. Francis' love for all of God's creatures and give thanks for the joy our animals bring to our lives.
All are welcome!
School picture retakes are on Monday
Photographers will be set up in the Primary School gym from 8:30-10:15 a.m. for retakes and class groups. Please let your child's teacher know if you want a retake by sending an email. One photographer will be set up for Middle and Upper Schools from 8:30 a.m. to noon. Upper School students should be responsible for going to the Tandy during an unscheduled time or get permission to go and complete this task.
Parents' Association Fall Book Club starts Nov. 6

Join us Nov. 6 from 7-8 p.m. in the Upper School Library for our Fall Read of the 2024 Pulitzer Prize Winning book: "Night Watch" by Jayne Anne Phillips. Magic City Books Event Planner and Holland Hall parent, Pat Cawiezell, will facilitate our discussion. Please RSVP here so we can save you a seat!
Note: this book club read is for adults.
Yearbooks are on sale at jostens.com

Click here to purchase your yearbook.
Shopping event set at Willamina
Join the Holland Hall Parents' Association for a fun day of discounted shopping at clothing boutique Willamina.

Get discounted tickets to Tulsa Ballet's 'Dracula'

Enjoy a haunting tale of bloodlust and destruction! Ben Stevenson’s “ghoulishly entertaining” (Tulsa World) gothic ballet Dracula returns to Tulsa for the first time since 2018, with awe-inspiring stunning thetrics, spooky vampire brides who soar through the air, and an exploding chandelier. This ghoulish, dramatic production will have you at the edge of your seat.
Holland Hall school discount code: SAU-100
Pertussis in on the rise in Oklahoma
According to the Tulsa Health Department, “Oklahoma is experiencing an increase in pertussis (whooping cough) cases, similar to what is occurring nationally. Since Jan uary 1, 2024, there have been 162 cases of pertussis in Oklahoma, which is the highest number of cases since 2017.”
Pertussis is spread from person to person through coughing or sneezing while in close contact with others. In most cases, school classmates, co-workers, and people in clinic waiting rooms are not at risk, according to the Oklahoma State Department of Health. There have been no cases of whooping cough reported to Holland Hall. However, if you or your child has mild respiratory or cold symptoms with a cough that gets worse, can come in “fits,” causes vomiting, creates a “whooping sound,” and/or lingers, please consult your child’s physician for guidance.
Click here for more information about pertussis and how to protect you and your loved ones.
Medication policy reminder
Per school policy, Holland Hall students should not carry any type of medication with them or in their backpacks at school.
Prescription medications are to be kept in the nurse’s office and administered by the school nurse (or a designated employee). One exception: 7th-12th graders are allowed and encouraged to carry any life-saving medications (inhalers, Epi-pens, insulin, etc.) as prescribed by the physician. If your child needs any prescription medications during the school day OR carries any of the allowed emergency medications, please complete the Authorization for Prescription Medication/Inhaler form and return it to the nurse's office.
Over-the-counter medications —The health office supplies Ibuprofen, Tylenol, and Benadryl as needed. These can be administered by the school nurse with prior authorization from a parent/guardian indicated on your child’s annual forms in the parent portal. (No medication form is required.)
Thank you for your partnership and your help in keeping our kids safe and healthy at school. If you have any questions, call Kathleen Alabbasi, Director of Health Services, at ext. 8200.
Volunteer at the Primary School Halloween Parade

Spooky season is here, and the Parents' Association needs your help with the beloved Primary School Halloween Parade on October 31 in the Primary School Circle Drive. Volunteers are needed to decorate trick-or-treating tables, donate candy/treats, and hand out goodies.
JK: 9:10-9:40 a.m.
EPK: 9:45-10:15 a.m.
Pre-K: 10:20-10:50 a.m.
1st: 11:00-11:30 a.m.
3rd:12:15-12:45 p.m.
Kindergarten: 1:00-1:30 p.m.
2nd: 1:45-2:15 p.m.
Contact: Madison Graves 918-406-2815.
Click here to sign up.
Heart Heroes starts soon

Please help us with Extended Day pick-ups
If your child attends our Extended Day program, we have a few reminders for parents, grandparents or caregivers picking up a student.
After-School Care Hours
- EPK/PreK/JK – 2:45-6 p.m.
- K-3rd – 3:05-6 p.m.
EPK-Kindergarten Pick-Up
Please stay in your car. To pick up your EPK/PreK/JK/K student: call 539-476-8118 when you arrive on campus. A teacher will bring your student to your car. *We do not dismiss students from the EPK playground.
If you're picking up at:
2:45-3:55 p.m. – Pick-up curbside at the EPK round-about
4-4:30 p.m. – Pick-up curbside in front of PreK porch/Bus parking as the round-about is closed for activity time. *Inclement weather - curbside PS Gym
4:30-6 p.m. – Pick up at the EPK round-about
1st-3rd grade
To pick up your 1st-3rd grade student, call (539) 476-8118 when you arrive.
If you're picking up at:
3:05-3:55 p.m. – Pick-up at 1st-3rd grade playground *Inclement weather - curbside PS Gym
4-4:30 p.m. – Pick-up curbside in front of the PreK porch/Bus parking
4:30-6 p.m. – Pick-up curbside at the EPK round-about
Take baseball or theater classes after school

Boys Fall Youth Baseball Building Program!
Hey, Hey, Hey Batter UP! Come join Head Varsity Baseball Coach, Ty Gunter, in the off-season to hone your baseball skills while working with your teammates to become a more well-rounded baseball player. We will work to build self-confidence, improve your hitting, throwing, fielding, and even some base running. If you believe it, you can achieve it!
Who: Grades 1-3
When: October 22 - December 17 (No class 11/26 - Thanksgiving Break)
Day: Tuesdays - 3:30-4:30 p.m. - 10/22, 10/29, 11/5, 11/12, 11/19, 12/3, 12/10, 12/17
Where: Meet Coach Gunter in the Primary School multi-purpose room at 3:00 p.m. for transport to the CFBPC
Pick-up: 4:30 by the Clark Family Baseball Performance Center
Class fee: $144 - 8 weeks
Maximum class size: 20
Register: dalmohandis@hollandhall.org
Needing aftercare: dalmohandis@hollandhall.org
Ready, Set, ACT!
Let your young actor take the stage in this 6-week long acting class that will end in a final showcase performance! Student actors will explore movement, voice, characterization and storytelling as they rehearse, design and perform their own play production at the end of the 6-week class! Taught by Upper School Theatre Arts director Leslie Long, along with upper school student assistants. This class will help your student gain confidence on and off stage all while having fun expressing themselves creatively! It’s SHOWTIME!
When: Tuesdays Oct. 22 - Dec. 3 from 3:15 - 4:15 p.m.
*No class Tuesday, Nov. 26 Thanksgiving Break
Grades: 1st - 3rd
Where: PS Multi-Purpose Room
Pick up: Primary School flagpole at 4:15pm
Fee: $125 (6 weeks - performance details to follow)
Class Max: 20
Register: dalmohandis@hollandhall.org
Need aftercare when class is dismissed: email dalmohandis@hollandhall.org

Bring Your Parent to PE Day is Oct. 16
The day 4th-6th graders and parents alike look forward to — Bring Your Parent to PE Day! Mark your calendars for Wednesday, Oct. 16. Above, you'll find your child's specific time they'll be in class. We look forward to having you join us!
Pennies for Pink is collecting now

Pennies for Pink is starting! Holland Hall is donating to the Susan G Komen Foundation to help fund research and advocacy for breast cancer!
Which date is PINK OUT day? (you can wear free-dress pink with any donation)
Wednesday, Nov. 6.
What does the grade level with the most collected money win?
An additional free dress day!!
Where do I donate?
There are donation boxes in the library.
When is the final day to donate?
We are collecting NOW, through Nov. 6.
ERB Testing
6th, 7th, and 8th graders will have ERB Testing on November 18, 19, 20.
Be watching for more information
Sign up for youth baseball sessions for grades 4-6
Boys Fall Youth Baseball Building Program!
Hey, Hey, Hey Batter UP! Come join Head Varsity Baseball Coach, Ty Gunter, in the off-season to hone your baseball skills while working with your teammates to become a more well-rounded baseball player. We will work to build self-confidence, improve your hitting, throwing, fielding, and even some base running. If you believe it, you can achieve it!
Who: Grades 4-6
When: October 23 - December 18 - *No class 11/27 - Thanksgiving Break
Day: Wednesdays - 3:30-4:30 p.m. - 10/23, 10/30, 11/6, 11/13, 11/20, 12/4, 12/11, 12/18
Where: Meet Coach Gunter in the Middle School BT at 3:15 p.m.
Pick-up: 4:30 by the Clark Family Baseball Performance Center
Class fee: $144 - 8 weeks
Maximum class size: 20
Register: dalmohandis@hollandhall.org

Homecoming Shirt For Sale

Homecoming shirts will be on sale from Friday, Oct. 11, to mid-day on Wednesday, October 16. When ordering from the link that you will receive in an email, please select the branch at which you would like the shirt to be delivered. Please feel free to contact Philippa Kelly in the Upper School if you have any questions at pkelly@hollandhall.org.
Click here to order your shirt.
Schedule and important info for Wednesday, Oct. 16
October 16 will be extremely busy in the Upper School. Please remind your students of the folllowing:
9th grade students will take the PreACT in the morning:
* Arrive by 8:45 a.m. to the locations below. Testing administration will begin promptly at 9 a.m.
* We are dividing students based on their Global Issues teacher:
Reichard – WAC Stage
Van De Wiele – US Gym Floor
* Students are required to wear their school uniforms.
* Students need number 2 pencils - NO mechanical pencils allowed for proper scoring. We will have some extra pencils.
* Calculators are allowed on the math section. Prohibited calculators are TI-89 and TI-92. Students cannot share calculators and we will not have any extras.
* Students are welcome to bring water and a snack for the scheduled break.
* Testing should conclude by noon. See the 'All Students' section below for what happens next.
10th and 11th grade students will take the PSAT in the morning:
* Arrive by 8:45 a.m. to the designated testing location. Testing administration will begin promptly at 9 a.m. Late arrivals will not be permitted to test.
* Testing locations will be posted in the Commons no later than Monday, Oct. 14.
* Students are required to wear their school uniforms.
* Students need to bring a 100% charged laptop and a laptop charger.
* Calculators are allowed on the math section. Click here to see the acceptable calculators. Students cannot share calculators and we will not have any extras.
* Phones and smart watches will need to be turned in to the proctor before testing begins.
* Students are welcome to bring water and a snack for the scheduled break.
* Testing should conclude by noon. See the 'All Students' section below for what happens next.
12th grade students:
Seniors have either opted-in to take the District ACT Online (official test) or opted-out and will be on campus for a career panel.
* Testing locations will be posted in the Commons no later than Monday, Oct. 14.
* Students are required to wear their school uniforms.
*All seniors should report to school by 8:45 a.m.
*The NON-TEST TAKING Seniors will meet in the Tandy Dining Space at the west end in uniform. There will be four career panels for the seniors to experience starting at 9 a.m., wrapping up around 11 a.m.
All Students
After the various tests, some students have athletic practices. While we do not have classes after the testing, students can eat lunch on campus and begin setting up for Field Day with their club or their class.
We will have many moving pieces on this day, so we ask that you be in conversation and contact with your child regarding if/when and with whom they leave campus. We want students to complete their obligations to their teams or their clubs before they head off of campus for the afternoon. Of course, students are welcome to study or work in the library or commons after the testing and Field Day set-up are complete.
Northwestern University comes to Tulsa

A Northwestern admission director will be visiting Tulsa next week, and we're excited to invite you to a presentation on academics, campus life, admission, and financial aid. We'll be joined by passionate NU alumni who are eager to share their experiences and answer your questions!
When: Friday, October 18, 6 p.m.
Where: Br David Poos Science & Technology Center (Bishop Kelley High School)
3905 South Hudson Avenue, Tulsa, OK 74135
Directions: Br David Poos Science & Technology Center is located at the corner of 41st & Hudson Ave, just outside the campus fence—no need to enter the main campus. Parking is available by the building.
Click here to register. Space is limited, so we encourage you to register at your earliest convenience.
Update: Senior Yearbook Portraits
Bold anticipates sharing all galleries in time to choose your yearbook image by the Oct. 15 deadline. Watch for an email.