Dutch Weekly October 26 - November 1

School pictures are ready

View and order photos and photo retakes online using the emails you provided to the school. If prompted for an event code it is FE70824.
Click here to purchase pictures.
The environmental club wants your pumpkins

Ron Lieber books still available, recording coming

New York Times Columnist Ron Lieber spoke to parents at a recent event at the invitation of the College Counseling Office. The expert on financing and paying for a college education engaged the crowd with examples of a college's value, gave them invaluable resources, and more. Thank you to Magic City Books for offering his book, "The Price You Pay for College," for sale at the event. Copies are still available at the bookstore, 221 E. Archer St., or by calling the store at (918) 602-4452. A recording of the event will be made available on the Parent Portal soon.
Welcome back, Alumni!

If you notice the big tent on Hardesty Field tonight, it's there for Alumni Weekend. Alumni are in town to see tonight's game against Muldrow at 7 p.m., and have had a day full of activities before their reunions tomorrow.
If you can't make it out to the game, be sure to stream it at gotohh.org/stream.
Support your cheer program before Regionals
The cheer squad will perform their regionals routine in the MS gym on Nov. 5 at 6 p.m.
Please come to support the cheerleaders before their regional competition!
Parents' Association Fall Book Club starts Nov. 6

Join us Nov. 6 from 7-8 p.m. in the Upper School Library for our Fall Read of the 2024 Pulitzer Prize Winning book: "Night Watch" by Jayne Anne Phillips. Magic City Books Event Planner and Holland Hall parent, Pat Cawiezell, will facilitate our discussion. Please RSVP here so we can save you a seat!
Note: this book club read is for adults.
Parents' Association Mahjong Meet-Up

After a huge turnout from our October Mahjong Meet-Up, we will have one more before the holiday break! Please join us Thursday, Nov. 14, in the Tandy from 1:30-3 p.m.
We will offer open play this time, but be on the lookout for future dates for those who would like to learn the game. If you need a little guidance, please sign-up. We will have a few people there to help you along. The PA Mahjong Committee looks forward to seeing you in November!
Click here to sign up!
Yearbook staff are busy making your 2025 book

Memories are being made. Don't forget this once-in-a-lifetime memento.
Order online now and check that box on your to-do list.

10% off tickets for Magic City Books Event on Nov. 12

Magic City Books welcomes bestselling author Mac Barnett and Caldecott Honor award-winning illustrator Shawn Harris to celebrate the release of their action-packed and hysterical graphic novel, "The First Cat in Space and the Wrath of the Paperclip," their third book in the series based on the massively popular live cartoon.
This will be an extra-special road show that includes a lively theatrical/musical performance with photo-ops and merchandise and is guaranteed to be a memorable night for local families. Prepare to laugh until your belly hurts! Attendees are HIGHLY encouraged to come dressed as their favorite First Cat character!
Tickets for this event include a signed copy of "The First Cat in Space and the Wrath of the Paperclip" ($16.99 value).
Enter the promo code DUTCH which will unlock a 10% discount on tickets.
Click here to purchase tickets.
Shopping Event at Luxe Furniture & Design
Join the Holland Hall Parents' Association for a day of discounts and design and Luxe Furniture! on Wednesday, Nov. 13 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Get discounted tickets to Tulsa Ballet's 'Dracula'

Enjoy a haunting tale of bloodlust and destruction! Ben Stevenson’s “ghoulishly entertaining” (Tulsa World) gothic ballet Dracula returns to Tulsa for the first time since 2018, with awe-inspiring stunning thetrics, spooky vampire brides who soar through the air, and an exploding chandelier. This ghoulish, dramatic production will have you at the edge of your seat.
Holland Hall school discount code: SAU-100

Volunteer at the Primary School Halloween Parade

Spooky season is here, and the Parents' Association needs your help with the beloved Primary School Halloween Parade on Oct. 31 in the Primary School Circle Drive. Volunteers are needed to decorate trick-or-treating tables, donate candy/treats, and hand out goodies.
JK: 9:10-9:40 a.m.
EPK: 9:45-10:15 a.m.
Pre-K: 10:20-10:50 a.m.
1st: 11:00-11:30 a.m.
3rd:12:15-12:45 p.m.
Kindergarten: 1:00-1:30 p.m.
2nd: 1:45-2:15 p.m.
Click here to sign up.
Heart Heroes kicks off Nov. 4
Students will be sent home with Heart Hero’s packets and the fundraiser will officially start Nov. 4.
Sign-up Genius will also go out Nov. 4 for parents to volunteer for the Nov. 20th event in the primary school gym.

Please help us with Extended Day pick-ups
If your child attends our Extended Day program, we have a few reminders for parents, grandparents or caregivers picking up a student.
After-School Care Hours
- EPK/PreK/JK – 2:45-6 p.m.
- K-3rd – 3:05-6 p.m.
EPK-Kindergarten Pick-Up
Please stay in your car. To pick up your EPK/PreK/JK/K student: call 539-476-8118 when you arrive on campus. A teacher will bring your student to your car. *We do not dismiss students from the EPK playground.
If you're picking up at:
2:45-3:55 p.m. – Pick-up curbside at the EPK round-about
4-4:30 p.m. – Pick-up curbside in front of PreK porch/Bus parking as the round-about is closed for activity time. *Inclement weather - curbside PS Gym
4:30-6 p.m. – Pick up at the EPK round-about
1st-3rd grade
To pick up your 1st-3rd grade student, call (539) 476-8118 when you arrive.
If you're picking up at:
3:05-3:55 p.m. – Pick-up at 1st-3rd grade playground *Inclement weather - curbside PS Gym
4-4:30 p.m. – Pick-up curbside in front of the PreK porch/Bus parking
4:30-6 p.m. – Pick-up curbside at the EPK round-about
Join the Halloween Glow Party after school with Ms. Molloy

Get ready for a spooktacular afternoon of fun at our Halloween Glow Party! Join us for some glow-in-the-dark excitement, where we’ll light up the dance floor and get our glow on! The highlight of the event will be a special dance led by Miss Oklahoma's Teen, Kynlee Schultheis! In addition to dancing, we’ll decorate pumpkins and get creative with all kinds of fun and spooky designs. Plus, we'll have a variety of exciting games to play, ensuring that everyone has a great time.
When: Tuesday, October 29 - 3:15-4:45 p.m.
Grades: 1-5
Where: Middle School BT (PS will be escorted to the MS)
Pick-up: In front of the Middle School flag pole/breezeway at 4:45 p.m.
Class Fee: $45 (funding the American Heart Association)
Maximum: 40
Register: dalmohandis@hollandhall.org
Ms. Ariel's Holiday Art Studio
Let your young artists expand their creativity as we adventure into an autumn-inspired harvest of still-life pastels and winter holidays! They will learn to draw holiday-inspired animals while discovering new techniques, among other activities.
When: Mondays 3:15-4:15 p.m. - October 28-December 16
Dates: 10/28, 11/4, 11/11, 11/18, 11/25, 12/2, 12/9, 12/16
Grades: K-3rd
Where: PS - Multi-purpose
Pick-up: Primary School flagpole at 4:15 p.m.
Cost: $150 (8 weeks)
Class maximum: 15
Register: dalmohandis@hollandhall.org

Important information about ERB testing in Middle School
All students in grades 6, 7, and 8 will be completing the ERB Comprehensive (CTP5) assessment online on Nov. 18, 19, and 20. All testing will be completed in the mornings on those dates. Students will have lunch as usual and will attend afternoon classes. We ask that you reserve these dates in your schedule so your child is present and able to participate fully. Please do not schedule appointments for your student before noon on test days.
Nov. 12 — Students will complete a tutorial in advisory time so they are familiar with the testing format.
Nov. 18 — Students will take Writing Mechanics and Writing Concepts.
Nov. 19 — Students will take Mathematics 1 and 2, and Verbal Reasoning.
Nov. 20 — Students will take Reading Comprehension, Quantitative Reasoning and Vocabulary.
*Adequate breaks are built into the testing schedule.
- Make sure your student gets adequate sleep.
- Make sure your student eats breakfast in the morning.
- Make sure your student has a fully charged iPad each day.
- ERB/Standardized Test Statement for MS
- Student Accommodations for ERB CTP5
- ERB Information for Students (this will be shared with students, please help facilitate at home)
Information about ERB and the CTP5 assessment
Parents must sign out students who leave early
Due to safety concerns, we are asking parents to come inside the MS office when needing to sign your child out of school early. This includes during the MS sports period.
Pennies for Pink is collecting now

Pennies for Pink is starting! Holland Hall is donating to the Susan G Komen Foundation to help fund research and advocacy for breast cancer!
Which date is PINK OUT day? (you can wear free-dress pink with any donation)
Wednesday, Nov. 6.
What does the grade level with the most collected money win?
An additional free dress day!!
Where do I donate?
There are donation boxes in the library.
When is the final day to donate?
We are collecting NOW, through Nov. 6.
Join the Halloween Glow Party after school with Ms. Molloy

Get ready for a spooktacular afternoon of fun at our Halloween Glow Party! Join us for some glow-in-the-dark excitement, where we’ll light up the dance floor and get our glow on! The highlight of the event will be a special dance led by Miss Oklahoma's Teen, Kynlee Schultheis! Kynlee will teach us some fun moves that you can show off to your friends. In addition to dancing, we’ll decorate pumpkins and get creative with all kinds of fun and spooky designs. Plus, we'll have a variety of exciting games to play, ensuring that everyone has a great time.
When: Tuesday, October 29 - 3:15-4:45 p.m.
Grades: 1-5
Where: Middle School BT (PS will be escorted to the MS)
Pick-up: In front of the Middle School flag pole/breezeway at 4:45 p.m.
Class Fee: $45 (funding the American Heart Association)
Maximum: 40
Register: dalmohandis@hollandhall.org

For seniors only
The Class of 2025 has received itsyearbook survey. Information from this Google form will be used to complete each senior's half page in the senior section. It is unrelated to ads. Seniors should submit this brief form no later than Nov. 1.
Advanced Placement Exam information
Families of upperclassmen,
It's time to decide if your student would like to take an Advanced Placement exam in a subject in which we do not offer the course. All AP exams are ordered in the fall, which is great as it gives students more time to prepare for the exam in May.
Each exam costs you/your family $99. Your family will be billed in the spring semester.
Please click here for the master list of AP courses/exams and corresponding dates. All exams are between May 5-16, 2025.
If you are enrolled in an AP class, there is nothing else you need to do at this time. Your exam will be ordered.
If you would like to take an AP exam in a subject not offered at Holland Hall, please come see Mrs. Lowry in College Counseling to sign-up for the exam and/or to ask me any questions!
Most years, we offer additional exams in the following subjects:
English Language
Spanish Language
Computer Science A
The deadline to let Mrs. Lowry know if you want to take an extra exam is Friday, Nov. 8.
Upcoming charges for class resources
We wanted to alert everyone that you may soon receive an email from Janet Allen, Student Billing Coordinator, about charges on your account. There are many resources that the Upper School purchases because they are not available through the bookstore or because they are less expensive to purchase in bulk.
This will apply for the following classes:
* All Math classes (exception: Honors Geometry)
* World Languages
* PEP and Biology
If you have any questions, please contact Erin Henderson, Upper School Assistant at ehenderson@hollandhall.org.
College Funding Resources – watch now

We had a great College Funding webinar. If we missed you, no worries, you can still learn What Every Parent Needs to Know Now about Paying Less for College (https://join.smarttrackcollegefunding.com/holland-hall/webinars/zWWimolj/recording). The on-demand link will only be available for a limited time so be sure to view it soon.
Next Step: We are providing our 9th-11th grade families with a no-cost, no-obligation professional College Funding Evaluation because we know how important the financial piece of college planning is, and that it starts as early as 9th grade. We highly recommend you take advantage of this opportunity to "stress-test" your current funding plans.
Create your complimentary SMARTTRACK® Parent account (https://join.smarttrackcollegefunding.com/holland-hall)
Answer the general questions in the quick Assessment (necessary in order to get personalized, professional feedback!)
Get your confidential Evaluation
If you already have an account, bookmark this page to login (https://app.smarttrackcollegefunding.com/) anytime. One parent account per household.
We hope you’ll take advantage of these valuable resources.