Dutch Weekly September 28 - October 4

Parents' Association Mahjong Meet-Up is Oct. 2

When: Wednesday, Oct. 2, 1 -3 p.m.
Where: Tandy Conference Room
Sign-up deadline: Sept. 18
Want to find out what all the Mahjong madness is about? Join other Holland Hall parents/caregivers for a Mahjong Meet-Up hosted by the Holland Hall Parents' Association! All levels welcome. Sign up to come learn, play with help, or open play.
Click here to sign-up.
Order your Field Day T-shirt

Sixth-grader Dia Singh was this year's winning Field Day T-shirt artist. Order yours before 9 a.m. Oct. 8 by clicking the link below. Shirts will be delivered to the school on October 15.
Click here to order your T-shirt today.
School retakes will be taken on Monday, Oct. 14
Any student may have a retake by going to the camera in their branch. Parent/guardians of primary students are asked to inform their teacher by email and parent/guardians of middle schoolers are asked to email their advisor in advance of the day. Locations and times will be provided next week. Primary school will also be taking class group photos.
Click here to purchase your yearbook online starting Oct. 1
Yearbooks go on sale Oct. 1

The 2025 yearbook may be ordered online from Oct 1 through Feb 28. The prices stay the same as in past years: $75 per book. Families who wish to purchase a personalized book may do so through Jan. 24, with names for $10 and icons for $5 each.
Important info for scheduling events on campus
If Holland Hall families want to host a gathering with students on campus, they must have a faculty sponsor (someone employed by the school) with the group for the duration of the event.
Get discounted tickets to Tulsa Ballet's 'Dracula'

Enjoy a haunting tale of bloodlust and destruction! Ben Stevenson’s “ghoulishly entertaining” (Tulsa World) gothic ballet Dracula returns to Tulsa for the first time since 2018, with awe-inspiring stunning thetrics, spooky vampire brides who soar through the air, and an exploding chandelier. This ghoulish, dramatic production will have you at the edge of your seat.
Holland Hall school discount code: SAU-100

Primary School PA Meeting set
ALL Primary School parents are invited to attend the Primary School Parents’ Association Meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 2, from 9:15-10:15 a.m. in the Primary School Library.
Curious about how Primary School sports transition to Middle and Upper School? Wondering how to use club sports to prepare your child for Holland Hall team sports? Interested to hear about Holland Hall's sports facilities and offerings?
Special guest Steve Heldebrand, Holland Hall's Assistant Head of School for Athletics, will answer these questions and more!
Please help us with Extended Day pick-ups
If your child attends our Extended Day program, we have a few reminders for parents, grandparents or caregivers picking up a student.
After-School Care Hours
- EPK/PreK/JK – 2:45-6 p.m.
- K-3rd – 3:05-6 p.m.
EPK-Kindergarten Pick-Up
Please stay in your car. To pick up your EPK/PreK/JK/K student: call 539-476-8118 when you arrive on campus. A teacher will bring your student to your car. *We do not dismiss students from the EPK playground.
If you're picking up at:
2:45-3:55 p.m. – Pick-up curbside at the EPK round-about
4-4:30 p.m. – Pick-up curbside in front of PreK porch/Bus parking as the round-about is closed for activity time. *Inclement weather - curbside PS Gym
4:30-6 p.m. – Pick up at the EPK round-about
1st-3rd grade
To pick up your 1st-3rd grade student, call (539) 476-8118 when you arrive.
If you're picking up at:
3:05-3:55 p.m. – Pick-up at 1st-3rd grade playground *Inclement weather - curbside PS Gym
4-4:30 p.m. – Pick-up curbside in front of the PreK porch/Bus parking
4:30-6 p.m. – Pick-up curbside at the EPK round-about
Sign up for art after school
Ms. Ariel's Art Studio
Let your young artists expand their creativity as we adventure into the spectacular fall season! Join our fun and festive drawing class where we will breathe in the magic of autumn. Students will explore vibrant colors and engage their minds with imaginative themes, harvest pumpkins and beautiful landscapes, while discovering new techniques. Perfect for young artists eager to embrace the season and have a blast creating seasonal masterpieces!
When: September 23 - October 21
Class Day/Time: Monday 3:05-4:15 p.m.
Grades: K-3rd
Where: PS multi-purpose room
Pick-up: Primary School flagpole at 4:15 p.m.
Cost: $100 (5weeks)
Max: 15 students
Register: dalmohandis@hollandhall.org
If you are needing aftercare email: dalmohandis@hollandhall.org

Auditions set for the MS play

Night at the Wax Museum is a mad-cap comedy adventure where the magic of history comes alive ... literally!
WHO is eligible: 6th, 7th, & 8th grade
WHAT to prepare: All auditions will be cold readings from the script. Please arrive on your audition day with your conflict schedule for October-January.
7th/8th Grade - Monday, Sept. 30, 3:30-5 p.m.
6th Grade - Tuesday, Oct. 1, 3:15-4:45 p.m.
WHERE: MS Black Box
WHY: You want an opportunity to perform on the WAC Branch Stage with costume, lights, etc!
Rehearsal begin after Fall Break. If your child is cast in the show, we will ask that you attend a Parent Meeting on Oct. 15 at 3:45 p.m. Performances for this year's production are January 17-18, 2025.
Bring Your Parent to PE Day is Oct. 16
The day 4th-6th graders and parents alike look forward to — Bring Your Parent to PE Day! Mark your calendars for Wednesday, Oct. 16. Above, you'll find your child's specific time they'll be in class. We look forward to having you join us!
After School Enrichment Class
Boys Fall Youth Baseball Building Program!
Hey, Hey, Hey Batter UP! Come join Head Varsity Baseball Coach, Ty Gunter, in the off-season to hone your baseball skills while working with your teammates to become a more well-rounded baseball player. We will work to build self-confidence, improve your hitting, throwing, fielding, and even some base running. If you believe it, you can achieve it!
Who: Grades 4-6
When: October 23 - December 18 (No class 11/27 - Thanksgiving Break)
Day: Wednesdays - 3:30-4:30 p.m. - 10/23, 10/30, 11/6, 11/13, 11/20, 12/4, 12/11, 12/18
Where: Meet Coach Gunter in the Middle School BT at 3:15 p.m.
Pick-up: 4:30 by the Clark Family Baseball Performance Center
Class fee: $144 - 8 weeks (invoice to be generated through Procare on Nov. 1)
Maximum class size: 20
Register: dalmohandis@hollandhall.org

Five days left to reserve your senior ad

Please help us reserve yearbook space for your senior's honor ad by submitting the agreement and completing the credit card form.
Click here to purchase an ad.
Practice PSAT/NMSQT Exam

Click here for more information.
Medication at School
Per school policy, Holland Hall students should not carry any type of medication with them or in their backpacks at school.
Prescription medications are to be kept in the nurse’s office and administered by the school nurse (or a designated employee). One exception: 7th-12th graders are allowed and encouraged to carry any life-saving medications (asthma, Epi-pens, insulin, etc.) as prescribed by the physician. If your child needs any prescription medications during the school day OR carries any of the allowed emergency medications, please complete the Authorization for Prescription Medication/Inhaler form and return it to the nurse's office.
Over-the-counter medications —The health office supplies Ibuprofen, Tylenol, and Benadryl as needed. These can be administered by the school nurse with prior authorization from a parent/guardian indicated on your child’s annual forms in the parent portal. (No medication form is required.)
Thank you for your cooperation and your help in keeping our kids safe and healthy at school. If you have any questions, call Kathleen Alabbasi, Director of Health Services, at ext. 8200.