Dutch Weekly September 7 - 13

Primary and Middle School picture day is Monday Sept. 9

JostensPix will be on campus photographing our students. If you know your child will be absent, keep in mind that retake day will take place Monday Oct. 14.
Don't forget the football game TONIGHT

The varsity football team takes on Tulsa Rogers at home tonight, Sept. 6, at 7 p.m.
If you're at the game, stop by the Dutch Zone trailer for some new gear. And if you can't make the game, it will stream at gotohollandhall.org/stream or on the Holland Hall app, which is available to download wherever you buy apps.
Trail Walk set for Friday, Sept. 20

Have you ever wondered where the Cross Country runners go when they disappear in the woods? Are there really Yetis on our trails? Find out during our first Parents’ Association Trail Walk on Friday, September 20 with Cross Country Coach, Greg Spencer. All Holland Hall parents and caregivers are welcome. We will depart from the Primary School Porch at 8:15 am.
Please CLICK HERE for more details and to sign-up!
Get tickets for 'The Bugs'

When a couple of disgruntled honeybees discover their habitat is going to be destroyed to make way for a swimming pool, there’s only one thing for them to do: forge an alliance with the other bugs who live in the yard and stop it. With the help of a swashbuckling cockroach, a pessimistic pill bug, a cicada who loves to party, and a couple of smitten fireflies, can the honeybees do the impossible and ruin human construction plans? Or will they have to resort to asking their ancient enemies, the spiders, for help? What can a group of bugs actually do when their ecosystem is threatened? A hilarious satire about ecological disaster and labor issues, with a smattering of Greek gods thrown in for fun.
When: September 26, 27, 28 at 7 p.m.
Where: Newman Studio Theatre of the Walter Arts Center
Tickets: $10 Adults and $7 Students
Click here to purchase tickets.
Parents' Association Mahjong Meet-Up is Oct. 2

When: Wednesday, Oct. 2, 1 -3 p.m.
Where: Tandy Conference Room
Sign-up deadline: Sept. 18
Want to find out what all the Mahjong madness is about? Join other other Holland Hall parents/caregivers for a Mahjong Meet-Up hosted by the Holland Hall Parents' Association! All levels welcome. Sign up to come learn, play with help, or open play.
Click here to sign-up
Dutch Community Dinner
Bryan Burnham and the Parents' Association are hosting a Dutch Community Dinner collaboration. This project focuses on building community through conversation over a shared meal. Seats are limited to keep the focus on creating connections with others. If you are interested in hearing more, email Mr. Burnham at bburnham@hollandhall.org for information about future dinner events.

Save the Date for Primary School night at the Football Game!
Please mark your calendars for Friday, Sept. 13. Parking for Primary School families will be south of the Upper School. Please enter through the admission tent at the south end of campus to enter with no admission charge. Families are encouraged to watch the pre-game performance from the track. It is important that everyone exit the field as quickly as possible so we can start the game on time. Please look for specific grade-level information on Schoology.
PS Parking Map

Traffic flow at arrival
Thank you for your patience with morning arrival. For everyone's safety, PLEASE do not leave your children unattended on the porch in the mornings before 7:50 a.m. If you need to arrive early, please take your child to the Extended Day (EDP) area in the circle at the east side of the Primary School.
If your child needs help unbuckling or is struggling with exiting your vehicle, please pull to the "bus parking" area so we can keep the main line moving. Please do not get out of your vehicle in the main line.
Traffic flow at dismissal
Just a reminder — Kindergarten dismisses from the EPK/JK circle drive. First grade dismisses in the main circle drive in the lane closest to the curb; Second grade should line up in the outside lane. Someone will be out to direct traffic and help you cross over the lanes. Thank you for your continued patience. It does get easer!
Please mark your calendars:
September 9 - Primary School Picture Day
September 13 - Primary School Night at the Football Game
September 26 - Primary School Back to School Night

Back to School Night
Middle School Back to School Night is Thursday, Sept. 12. We will gather at 6 p.m. in the Tandy Dining Hall for a short welcome and then you will go to your child’s advisory for a map and list of classes, teachers, and room numbers.
We know what many of you value most is being able to see your children’s classrooms, getting a feel for their schedules, and meeting their teachers — so Back to School Night will be an Open House format for you to do those things. We also understand that time is a precious commodity and we want to honor your time! This is not a time for individual meetings with teachers, just more of a meet-and-greet while you tour the spaces and live the schedule your child has each day. Enjoy and thank you!
Middle School School Out of Doors (SOOD) is quickly approaching. Some basic details are below and more information will be sent out by email with grade level details.
- 4th grade - regular school hours with SOOD activities on Friday, Sept. 27
- 5th grade - regular school hours with SOOD activities on Friday, Sept. 27
- 6th grade - regular school hours with SOOD activities on Friday, Sept. 27 with an off-campus field trip
- 7th grade - evening activities and campout on campus Thursday, Sept. 26, morning activities on Friday, Sept. 27 with pick-up at 11:30 a.m. No sports on Thursday or Friday. More info Here.
- 8th grade - will depart for New Life Ranch by 7 a.m. on Thursday, Sept. 26 and will return by 2:45p.m. on Friday, Sept. 27. No sports on Thursday or Friday. More info Here.
Sign up for 2024-25 clubs
Middle School students can sign up for a variety of clubs, which start meeting soon.
Students can attend the first meeting, or sign up on the club sponsor's classroom door. Pick-up and meeting times are listed below.

Middle School Back-to-School Donut Dash set
Get ready for your grade level Back-to-School Donut Dash! This is a great time to reconnect with fellow grade level parents and introduce yourself to our new families! Feel free to bring siblings to this casual meet-and-greet that is hosted by the Parents' Association. Here are the dates and locations for your grade:
7th Grade: Sept. 18 at 8 a.m. on the Middle School Playground
6th Grade: Sept. 11 at 8 a.m. in the Tandy Dining Hall
Middle School back-to-school reminders
September 9 - MS Picture Day
September 12 - Middle School Back to School Night, 6-7:30 p.m.

Upper School Back-to-School Night
When: Tuesday, September 10, 6 - 7:30 p.m.
Where: Upper School Commons
We will begin promptly at 6 p.m. with a "Morning Meeting" in the Commons. Parents are welcome to sit in their child's class corner. Again this year, Back to School Night will be an open house format. After the meeting in the Commons, parents will have time to walk around the buildings (Upper School and Walter Arts Center), visit classrooms, and meet their student's teachers. In an effort to honor everyone's time, we plan to conclude the event around 7:30 p.m.
Critical college funding info you need

SMARTTRACK® is offering a new presentation specifically for parents of seniors applying to college this fall.
We encourage you to attend "Senior Parents: Critical College Funding Info You Need NOW", a free webinar. Select your preferred date to register.
Monday, Sept. 9 at 7 p.m.: https://join.smarttrackcollegefunding.com/webinars/fWWPfrlI?utm_source=email&utm_medium=email+marketing
Saturday, Sept. 14 at 11 a.m.: https://join.smarttrackcollegefunding.com/webinars/KNSLzwSo?utm_source=email&utm_medium=email+marketing
Advance registration is required.
It may be too late for certain advanced college funding strategies, but there are still steps every family should take to avoid overpaying for college.
We hope you’ll take advantage of this timely resource.
Upper School pictures are ready to view

Images are secured using the email address(es) provided to us by the school. Please create your account using the emails you provided to the school or you will be locked out.
Click here to view images.
Event Code: FE70824
A reminder from US Attendance
If your student is going to be absent, come in late, or leave early for any reason, please contact Jenna Alford at 539-476-8287 or usattendance@hollandhall.org. A text message from you to your student is not an accepted form of communication to allow them to leave. Please call or email to grant permission.
If your student has a medical/dental appointment, a provider note is required and can be turned in by hand or email.