Dutch Weekly Sept. 30 - Oct. 6


Holland Hall vs. Verdigris football livestream
WATCH THE GAME: You can watch a livestream on the Holland Hall app. Just open the Live icon at the bottom of your phone screen. Or watch at gotohh.org/stream.
Buddy Walk returns to Holland Hall

For the sixth year, Holland Hall will host the Buddy Walk in partnership with the Down Syndrome Association of Tulsa on Sunday, Oct. 1, from 1:30-4 p.m., with Holland Hall faculty member Leslie Long serving as chair for the third year. This event is free and open to families and friends who want to support, raise funds and bring awareness to those with Down syndrome.
For more information or to make a donation visit: https://www.ds-stride.org/tulsabuddywalk
Yearbooks go on sale Sunday, Oct. 1.
To order your student's copy of this once in a lifetime book, click on this link. Books will be on sale for $75 each through March 1, 2024. After that date, the price increases to $100 each until we are sold out. Personalized books will be offered through Jan. 26, 2024 with $10 per name and $5 per icon.
Click here to purchase your yearbook starting Oct. 1.
Pet Blessing set for Oct. 8
Come to the Blessing of the Animals on October 8 at 3 p.m. in the Tandy Commons.
Frs. Art and Everett will say special prayers for your pets in Celebration of St. Francis.
The Episcopal Church believes that animals are gifts from God, and that people are responsible for being good stewards of the earth and all its inhabitants.
Please bring your pet on a leash or in a cage, and take any snakes to Fr. Art
Tips and tricks for taking great photos

When: Saturday, October 14, 10-11 a.m.
Where: Self Conference Room Tandy
ow does Chris McConnell always take such fantastic pictures of our kids in action? Learn about the rule of thirds, framing your subject, camera modes, finding your shot, using lighting, and other tips and tricks that will level up your photos. Open to HH Parents, Grandparents, Alumni, and supporters.
Please sign up by clicking here.
Sponsored by the Holland Hall Parents' Association
ARTworks 2023 is coming in October

It is almost time for ARTworks! ARTworks’ artist residency is a longstanding tradition at Holland Hall, giving students a chance to see and interact with working artists at the top of their fields through hands-on instruction, workshops, and presentations. It also includes a Gallery Opening event, followed by a month-long gallery exhibition and sale. Our artist-in-residence this year is Mark Lewis, an acclaimed, Tulsa-based artist. Follow this link for more information about the artist and becoming a patron.
Gallery visits and workshops for students will take place October 23-27, with the Gallery Opening event on Tuesday, October 24. Please keep an eye out for volunteer opportunities.
Click here for more information.
Please contact Sydney May with any questions at smay@hollandhall.org.
Lots of new items in the DutchZone
The Dutch Zone is fully stocked with hoodies and sweatshirts, earrings and more. Hours are 9-11 a.m. and 2-4 p.m. Wednesdays; 8-10 a.m. and 2-4 p.m. Thursdays and Fridays.
Look for us at home football games! The Dutch Zone trailer is set up by the stands at Hardesty Field.
Notes from the Nurse — Flu Season
It may seem early, but the flu has already begun in the Tulsa area. Here’s some flu facts to help you be better prepared for the 2023-24 flu season.
Flu symptoms usually come on suddenly. Similarly to COVID, an individual may have one or more of these symptoms.
- fever* or feeling feverish/chills (*not everyone has a fever)
- cough
- sore throat
- runny or stuffy nose
- muscle or body aches
- headaches
- fatigue (tiredness)
- vomiting and diarrhea (more common in children)
Protecting yourself and others from the flu -
- Get vaccinated, if you are able. Mark your calendar for HH flu shots, 10/18/23!
- Avoid close contact, if you are sick or from someone who is sick.
- Stay home when you are sick.
- Cover your mouth and nose with tissue when coughing or sneezing.
- Wash your hands.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth.
- Practice other good health habits. (Get plenty of sleep and physical activity, stay hydrated, eat nutritious foods)
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to one of your school nurses.
Click here to see the latest Holland Hall Illness Protocol.
Tulsa Ballet's 'Jack and the Beanstalk'

This October, Tulsa Ballet presents the return of the beloved children's classic "Jack & the Beanstalk"! Jack and the Beanstalk is a mini story ballet with choreography from Tulsa Ballet’s former Resident Choreographer, Ma Cong.
Jack and the Beanstalk is a great educational performance for your children with themes on bravery, perseverance, and imagination. Imagine their faces lighting up as they enter a magical world full of adventure, a giant beanstalk, and of course a big ogre! Who said you can't learn while having fun?

Senior ad agreements due Oct. 1.
To reserve your senior's space in the 2024 yearbook, please submit by Sunday. After this date, we can no longer guarantee space in the book. The agreement allows you to choose a book designed by yearbook staff or other designer, and in three sizes. We appreciate the support of the 44 advertisers who have submitted to date.
Please return the agreement by clicking here.
Take note of US Homecoming dress theme days
Monday, Oct. 2: Barbenheimer - Dress up as your favorite character from either movie OR all pink/black.
Tuesday, Oct. 3: White Lies - Grab a plain white t-shirt and write your white lie on it.
Wednesday, Oct. 4: Slumber Party - Pajama Day! Get comfy!
Thursday, Oct. 5: Dynamic Duos - Grab a partner and dress as any iconic duo.
Friday, Oct. 6: Dutch Day - Holland Hall shirt and Dutch Day bottoms.
Senior Application Night set
When: Wednesday, October 4, 5-7:30 p.m.
Where: Upper School SMT Commons
It's time! Seniors (only), bring your fully charged laptop and come hungry. The Parents Association has graciously agreed to provide dinner and snacks, so we'll eat good food and work on great college applications together. This is a free event and is optional, but we really want to see you there! The college counseling team will be available to help answer your questions, proof read essays, and look over any application before submitting.
PSAT test is digital this year
Parents (grades 10-11) - The PSAT test is coming soon! It is 100% digital this year. Please make sure that your child is following instructions this weekend that were emailed to them from Mr. Casey to prepare their computer for the tests!
Freshman Orientation dates and groups set

The first session of Freshman O will be Sunday, Oct. 29 - Tuesday, Oct. 31 and the second session will be Sunday, Nov. 5 - Tuesday, Nov. 7. Parents and students got an email about which session students are assigned to.
All prescription and over the counter medications and a signed medical release form are to be turned into Kathleen Alabbasi or Jenna Alford, in their original containers, with only the amount required for the trip, by Wednesday, October 18. If your student has medical or religious dietary requirements that we need to know about please, please also email Grace Weber at by the same date.Any questions about medications must be directed to the Director of Health Services, Kathleen Alabbasi, at kalabbasi@hollandhall.org.
What does the rest of the school do during Freshman O?
While half of the 9th grade and a small number of Junior/Senior leaders will be out for Freshman Orientation on Oct. 29-31 OR Nov. 5-7, everyone else will have a normal class schedule.
Please plan for your students to be in attendance. If your student is attending Freshman Orientation, they are expected to be in classes during the other session.
Join us for an Evening with College Counseling
When: October 26, 5:45 p.m.
Where: US Lecture Center
Presented by the US Parent Association Council- An Overview of the College Process at Holland Hall - meet the newest member of the College Counseling Team, ask questions, and learn the schedule and philosophy behind Holland Hall’s College Counseling. Contact Sarah Jane Gillett with any questions.
Reminder about start times and building hours
* On regular start days, the morning meeting bell rings at 8 a.m.
* On Wednesdays, the morning meeting bell rings at 8:45 a.m.
* Students must check in before the ringing of the bell to avoid being tardy.
Unlike other branches of the school, the Upper School does not provide Before Care or After Care. Students may arrive as early as 7 a.m. and stay as late as 6 p.m., but they are asked to be in the Commons or with a teacher if they are on campus outside of normal school hours.
Get the scoop on college from a recent alum
Is your family planning a college trip this fall break? Does your student have questions about what life is like at a particular college? Recent Holland Hall graduates can provide a very honest and real perspective on their college experience and the college process. The PA keeps a list of recent alumni who have expressed interest in answering questions about their college experience and or giving tours of their college. If your student is seriously considering any of the following colleges or your family plans to visit, a conversation or tour with a recent HH grad could be very helpful.
Schools include: University of Arkansas, Dartmouth College, Brown University, University of Kansas, Hendrix College, University Of New Mexico, Austin College, Olin College of Engineering, University of Alabama, Sewanee, Oklahoma Wesleyan, University of Iowa, Wichita State, Howard University, Colorado School of Mines, Oral Roberts University, University of Texas- Austin, Johns Hopkins University, Missouri University of Science and Technology, OU, OSU, Fordham, Northern Arizona University, University of Oregon, Brandeis, Samford, TU, Furman, University of Georgia, TCU, Baylor, IE University of Spain, and New York University.
Please contact US VP Elect Rachel Monks (you can find her contact information in the school directory) to be connected with recent HH Alumni at these schools.
Attendance policy reminder
Per the Parent/Student Handbook, a parent must call or email Jenna Alford (539-476-8287; usattendance@hollandhall.org) BEFORE a student will be permitted to leave campus for any reason.
Exceptions: school-related activities or Jr./Sr. privileges.
For appointments, a note is required from the provider in order for the absence to be considered excused. This should be turned in during check-in/the next morning or via email to usattendance@hollandhall.org.
Please contact Mrs. Alford with attendance-related questions.

MS celebrates Homecoming with dress days
Homecoming week is next week — with the varsity game on Friday versus Dewey. To get us in the Dutch spirit, Middle School will have themed dress days. Of course, students may wear regular uniforms on these days if they prefer.
Wednesday, Oct 4: Slumber Party (think - PJs, sweats, comfy)
Thursday, Oct 5: - Jersey/Team Hat Day (sports: pro, college)
Friday, Oct 6: - Dutch Day (as usual)
Field Day T-Shirt for sale

One of Holland Hall's best traditions — Field Day — is set for October 18. The carnival-style event is run and organized by older students for younger students and is the biggest fundraiser of the year for the Middle and Upper School clubs.
If you'd like to buy a Field Day T-shirt, designed by 5th-graders Tennyson Brown and Hayden Winter, to wear on Field Day and on Dutch Days, go to www.hollandhallfieldday.com before noon on Oct. 9.
Proceeds benefit Student Leadership.
Middle School pictures are ready
Middle school photos taken on Sept. 7 are ready to view. You should receive ordering information at the emails you provided to the school for official communication. Please be aware that using alternative email addresses will not allow access. If you are asked for an event code: it is FE63223. Students who were not present on Sept. 7 or who want a retake can do so on Monday, Oct. 23.
Click here to view and use event code FE63223.
Students who were not present on Sept. 7 or who want a retake can do so on Mon, Oct. 23.
If you have any issues ordering your photos, please call JostensPix customer care (877) 515-1447.
Basketball teams for 4th-6th grades are forming
Holland Hall will be supporting 4th - 6th grade basketball teams through Indian Nations. The INBC has over 30 clubs including private and public schools. For general league information, you can visit www.inyouthsports.com.
If your child is interested in playing basketball this year (recreational or select), you will need to go to www.sportabase.com and under new registrations, click the drop down box with basketball and select Holland Hall. Sportabase is open to allow anyone in 4th-6th grade interested in basketball to sign up with Holland Hall. Please be sure to register under the appropriate grade and gender when completing the registration form. You will select rec or select for level of play. The coaches for each grade will determine the number of teams, and how many rec or select teams will be formed.
Fees - The player fee for rec and select is $140. This money will cover league fees, officials and uniforms. You will be able to pay the fee when you follow the aforementioned registration procedures. For more information, refer to the email sent to parents on Friday morning.
Middle School Cornhole Tournament set

When: Friday, October 13, 2023 6pm – 8pm
Where: Tandy Greenspace
Who: Dads, Father Figures, and Caregivers of Middle School Students. Due to limited event capacity, adults only please
Contact: Jacob Nichols, 918-869-9166
Sponsors: Dutch Dads & Holland Hall Parents Association
RSVP: Click here
Food & Drinks
An inclusive organization, “Dutch Dads” aspires to increase engagement within the Holland Hall community by establishing friendships and strengthening bonds among dads, father figures, and caregivers of Middle School students, leading to a greater connection to the Holland Hall mission.
MS Bring Your Parent to PE Day is coming!

Middle School PE is happy to say that Bring your Parent to PE Day is BACK! Mark your calendars for Wednesday, Oct. 18. This will take place during your child's PE time slot in the middle school gym. Be on the lookout for an email closer to the date. We are excited to have you! Reach out to your child's PE teacher if you have any questions.
Middle School After School Enrichment
S-P-O-O-K-T-A-C-U-L-A-R! Halloween ~ American Girl Style
Come join Mrs. Bucholtz & Mrs. Gollihare for a hauntingly gruesome time as we celebrate Halloween AG Style! We will be crafting, snacking, and playing! Witching to see you for a spooktacular good time! Bring your favorite doll or plushie!
When: Thursday, October 12 - After school until 4:30 p.m.
Who: Jr. Kindergarten - 5th Grade
Where: Kindergarten Pod (Middle School will be escorted to the Primary School)
Register: dalmohandis@hollandhall.org
Fee: $45 Class Max: 35
Pick-up: Primary School flagpole/4:30 p.m. Let us know if your child needs to go to After Care.

Homecoming Week — dress theme days set
Please check your child's grade level Schoology page for specific details about dress up days for next week. Please note that not all grade levels will be participating other than Dutch Day on Friday.
Primary School Parents' Association meeting is Oct. 4
Join us for the first Primary School PA meeting of the year October 4 at 9:15 a.m. in the Primary School library. Guest speakers will be Eric Ganders from campus safety, as well as Cassie Gray and Kristin Lees to learn more about our new social emotional program, Stepping Up at Holland Hall. There will be time for questions and mingling with other parents. Coffee will be provided.
Field Day is coming soon

You will not want to miss the annal Field Day on Wednesday, October 18, from 5-7 p.m. on the Chapman Green. The event, which is run by the Middle School and Upper School students, is largely geared toward out PS students. It's the largest fundraiser of the year for the MS and US clubs. Tickets will be available for purchase at the event.
Yearbook features open to PS students
The yearbook staff invites Primary Students to submit information for the 2024 yearbook. Alongside your child please click the link below and help them answer the questions provided. The survey will be open until Friday, Oct.13 at 3 p.m.
Click here to submit to the yearbook.
Fall Break is set for Oct. 19-20
Don't forget Fall Break is scheduled for Thursday, October 19 and Friday, October 20.
Group pictures and retakes are set for October
Please mark you calendars for class group pictures and picture retakes on Monday, October 23.
Primary School After School Enrichment
S-P-O-O-K-T-A-C-U-L-A-R! Halloween — American Girl Style
Come join Mrs. Bucholtz & Mrs. Gollihare for a hauntingly gruesome time as we celebrate Halloween AG Style! We will be crafting, snacking, and playing! Witching to see you for a spooktacular good time! Bring your favorite doll or plushie!
When: Thursday, October 12 - After school until 4:30 p.m.
Who: Jr. Kindergarten - 5th Grade
Where: Kindergarten Pod (Middle School will be escorted to the Primary School)
Register: dalmohandis@hollandhall.org
Fee: $45 Class Max: 35
Pick-up: Primary School flagpole/4:30 p.m. Let us know if your child needs to go to After Care.
Time to Perform!
Let your young actor take the stage in this 6-week long acting class that will end in a final showcase performance! Student actors will explore movement, voice, characterization and storytelling as they rehearse, design and perform their own play production at the end of the 6 week class! Taught by Upper School Theatre Arts director Leslie Long, along with upper school student assistants. This class will help your student gain confidence on and offstage all while having fun expressing themselves creatively! It’s SHOWTIME!
When: Tuesdays Oct. 31 - Dec. 5 from 3:15 p.m. - 4:15 p.m.
(Performance: Details to follow)
Grades: 1st - 3rd
Where: PS Multi-Purpose Room
Pick up: Primary School flagpole at 4:15pm
Fee: $125
Class Max: 15
Register: dalmohandis@hollandhall.org
Primary School Calendar
Oct. 4: PS PA Meeting (library)
Oct. 18: Field Day
Oct. 19-20: Fall Break
Oct. 23: Picture retakes and group photos
Oct. 27: Primary School Halloween Parade